Integration of Wolfram Blockchain Labs’ distributed ledger technology platform on the bloxberg blockchain
- 11/2020
We are happy to announce the integration between Wolfram Blockchain Labs’ (WBL) distributed ledger technology [DLT] platform and the bloxberg infrastructure. This means that the bloxberg blockchain is now fully integrated into the Wolfram Language (WL).
WBL has developed a suite of functions in Wolfram Language that provide straightforward reading and writing capabilities for different blockchains. These functions also provide a powerful environment for users to create custom analytical tools. With this, all Max Planck researches are able to leverage bloxberg to confirm the certification of research data all within the Wolfram Language computational notebook interface, by accessing the new functionality, which is available in e.g. Mathematica.
Wolfram Mathematica is one of several calculation applications that are provided by the MPDL’s Software Licensing Service (available within MPG IP-range).
Read the full press release here.
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