Did you know that Max Planck researchers have access to more than 15,000 scientific journals? Negotiating with over 100 commercial publishers worldwide, we organize licensing, financing and access exclusively for you.

Access to journals and articles is provided invisibly through "on campus" authentication - no passwords required, no annoying login or paywall experiences. This service is called "MPDL Access Magic" which allows you to go to the publishers’ websites directly or use your preferred tools to search for individual articles such as Google, PubMed or Web of Science. If you like to look for a specific journal use the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). In addition, our recently launched research navigator MPG.ReNa provides you with an overview of information resources available at MPG including all licensed journal collections.

If you have any questions concerning access issues, license questions, IP address changes or questions about the MPG "Grundversorgung" ask our MPDL Access Magic Helpdesk.  

Our helpdesk can be reached at lic.contact@mpdl.mpg.de.