What is Labfolder?

Labfolder is the place to record, integrate and manage scientific data. With this electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) software researchers can handle the scientific documentation effortlessly with a lot of support for compliance with academic standards. Labfolder fully supports the Code of Conduct for Safeguarding Good Academic Practice. The Full Audit trail and the possibility of digital signatures ensure intellectual property and take care for data integrity.
Labfolder is characterized by an easy to handle rights and roles management. For example admin users are able to prevent group members from deleting entries or projects and are allowed to view group members’ lab notebooks. Labfolder makes it easy to create groups and subgroups, to define content share settings, to send messages within a group and to use comments to discuss data. Furthermore it is possible to assign tasks to group members.
It is not only possible to import PDF files, further processing of imported word or excel files can also be done within Labfolder. The integration of external apps like Figshare completes this ELN.

Labfolder for Max Planck researchers

The Max Planck licensing model for Labfolder includes two usage scenarios that try to cover the various and demanding requirements of our Max Planck Institutes.

(1) Local installation

Labfolder can be set up as an in-house service at the respective institute. Thereby the emerging data will be stored in locally operated server environments.

For using a local Labfolder installation Max Planck researchers need to contact the in-house IT department and/or library team on-site. Cooperations with researchers outside of Max Planck Society are possible, but are potentially limited by regulations of the respective Max Planck Institutes.

(2) Central installation

All Max Planck researchers have the possibility to use the central MPG Labfolder solution, which is operated by the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL). The emerging data will be stored at the computer center GWDG in Göttingen, Germany.
The central installation offers possibilities for a better collaboration on research projects with various stakeholders from different Max Planck institutes, associated organizations, or joint research groups around the world.
For more information about the MPG Labfolder instance please contact the Labfolder Support Team at the MPDL.

To get to know more about labfolder in principle and discover all provided ELN features, please contact Anne Kriegel, the Max Planck account manager at Labfolder.