Our aim is to make Open Access publishing as easy as possible for Max Planck authors. This information provides an overview of the Max Planck wide arrangements by which open access article charges (APCs) are covered or reduced. To make the most of this opportunity, Max Planck authors will be prompted to choose the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) in the manuscript submission or acceptance process, automatically. You can find further information on CC licenses here:

Search for a specific journal to find out whether APCs are covered here:

Please note that there are many more relevant Open Access journals, including those not raising any article charges. A complete overview is available in the:

How to benefit from central funding?

To be eligible, Max Planck affiliated authors must be corresponding author of the publication and the Max Planck affiliation must be stated in the published paper. For some agreements, eligible authors must also be submitting author. Specific criteria are listed below for each publisher. Please use your Max Planck email address at all stages of the publishing process if possible to support automated identification processes from the publishers.

Open Access agreements (Article charges covered centrally by MPDL)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Corresponding author

The ACM open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in all ACM journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Further information

American Chemical Society (ACS) Submitting corresponding author

The ACS open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated submitting corresponding authors in ACS journals that offer a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Further information

AIP Publishing (AIPP) Submitting corresponding author

The AIPP open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated submitting corresponding authors in AIP-owned as well as related society journals.

Further information

American Physical Society (APS) Initial corresponding author

The APS open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated initial corresponding authors in all APS Journals (except "Review of Modern Physics" and "Physics").

Further information

BioMed Central (BMC)

Corresponding author

All BMC journals

Cambridge University Press (CUP) Submitting corresponding author

The CUP open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated submitting corresponding authors in all fully open access and hybrid journals.

Further information

Cogitatio Press Corresponding author

For articles submitted from January 1, 2023, the open access agreement with Cogitatio Press centrally covers open access publishing for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in all Cogitatio journals


Corresponding author

All Copernicus journals

EDP Sciences/ Astronomy & Astrophysics
Corresponding author

The EDP Sciences open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Further information


Corresponding author


Elsevier Submitting corresponding author

MPG participates in the agreement between the DEAL Consortium and Elsevier and centrally covers the Open Access fees for affiliated corresponding authors in more than 2500 hybrid and full Open Access journals.

Further information

F1000Research Corresponding author F1000Research articles up to 8.000 words and more; please contact us in case of charges for oversized data storage 


Corresponding author

All Frontiers journals

Hindawi Responsible corresponding author

All Hindawi journals

From January 1, 2023, Hindawi journals are covered through the agreement between Projekt DEAL and Wiley.

Further information

Institute of Physics (IOP) & Electrochemical Society (ECS) Submitting corresponding author

The IOP open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck-affiliated submitting corresponding authors in IOP Gold OA and Hybrid journals.

Further information

Karger Corresponding author

The publish and read agreement with Karger centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in all Karger hybrid subscription journals and Gold Open Access journals.

Please note that charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

KOALA The KOALA funding model provides fair and sustainable funding for quality-assured APC-free open access publications ("Diamond Open Access"). MPDL supports KOALA through financial membership in dedicated bundle(s). KOALA Computer Science and Mathematics 2025 - 2027
Mary Ann Liebert Corresponding author

The hybrid open access agreement with Mary Ann Liebert centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in all currently subscribed journals.

Further information

Microbiology Society Corresponding author

The publish and read agreement with Microbiology Society centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in all gold and hybrid journals.

Further information

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)

Corresponding author

All MDPI journals

Nature Corresponding author

The Nature Read & Publish Framework Agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in Nature Research Jorunals.

Further information

Open Library of Humanities MPDL supports OLH through financial partnership. OLH does not charge any publication fees. OLH
Oxford University Press (OUP) Corresponding author

The agreement with OUP centrally covers the open access charges for affiliated corresponding authors in hybrid and selected fully open access journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Further information


Corresponding authors

The agreement covers open access charges for publications by Max Planck corresponding authors in all PeerJ journals.


Portland Press Corresponding authors

The open access agreement with Portland Press centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in all Portland Press/Biochemical Society journals.

Further information

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Corresponding author

The open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in PNAS under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Further information

Public Library of Science (PLoS)

Corresponding author

All PLoS journals

Rockefeller University Press (RUP) Corresponding author

The open access agreement with RUP centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in these 3 RUP journals: Journal of Cell Biology, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of General Physiology.

Further information

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Corresponding author

The RSC "Read & Publish" agreement centrally covers the open access charge for affiliated corresponding authors in all journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Further information

& IOS Press
Corresponding author

All OA gold journals and hybrid journals in the Premier title set

Further information

ScienceOpen [Pilot agreement]

Corresponding author

ScienceOpen Research & ScienceOpen Posters

SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics)

Primary or Corresponding author

The SPIE open access agreement centrally covers the open access charges for Max Planck affiliated primary and corresponding authors in all fully open access and hybrid journals except Proceedings.

Further information

Springer Nature

Corresponding author

MPG participates in the agreement between Projekt DEAL and Springer Nature and centrally covers the Open Access fees for affiliated corresponding authors in ca. 2.900 hybrid and full Open Access journals.

Further information

Taylor & Francis

Submitting corresponding author

Information for authors on publishing with Taylor & Francis

The Company of Biologists Corresponding author

The agreement centrally covers the open access charge for affiliated corresponding authors in all journals of the Company of Biologists under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Further information

The Royal Society

Corresponding author

The Open Access agreement with the Royal Society centrally covers Open Access fees for articles submitted by affiliated corresponding authors in all hybrid and fully OA journals.

Further information


Responsible corresponding author

MPG participates in the agreement between Projekt DEAL and Wiley and centrally covers the Open Access fees for affiliated corresponding authors in all hybrid and full Open Access journals.

Further information


Open Access Monograph Publishing


Authors affiliated with a Max Planck Institute receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge (BPC) and on the standard Chapter Publishing Charge. MPDL covers the costs remaining after the discount is applied on a pro rata basis.

Further information
Cambridge University Press

Authors affiliated with a Max Planck Institute receive a discount on the Book Publishing Charge (BPC). MPDL covers the costs on a pro rata basis.

Further information

De Gruyter OA Books

Authors affiliated with a Max Planck Institute receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge (BPC) and on the standard Chapter Publishing Charge. MPDL covers the costs remaining after the discount is applied on a pro rata basis.

Further information

Mohr Siebeck

Authors and editors affiliated with a Max Planck Institute. MPDL covers costs of a simultaneous open access publication.

Further information


Agreement with Nomos to publish open access monographs: MPDL covers costs of a simultaneous open access online publication.

Further information

Springer Nature Authors affiliated with a Max Planck Institute receive a discount on the Book Publishing Charge (BPC). MPDL covers the costs on a pro rata basis. Further information


Further related terms and conditions for Max Planck Authors (without central funding)

The following table shows special terms and conditions for Max Planck authors beyond our central agreements where no central funding is provided.


AAAS / Science

Corresponding author - All Max Planck corresponding authors may receive institutional savings of 15%. AAAS members are entitled to receive additional savings - no central payment by MPDL.

More information at AAAS / ScienceAdvances

ScienceAdvances APC Discount Workflow



Any journal or publisher missing?

In case you are in need of funding for open access publication charges for a specific journal or publisher, please contact us. We strive for further agreements with publishers where we see a shared demand from Max Planck authors. Please note that we cannot reimburse individual invoices. In that case, your institute or local library may provide further funding opportunities.

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