MPDL Roadshows & Workshops
Please find events before January 2016 in our MPDL Roadshows & Workshops Archive.
AI Tools in Science - Meetup
June 17 - 18, 2024 I Max Planck Digital Library | Munich
We are pleased to announce the first “AI Tools in Science” meeting, which will take place at our new Max Planck Digital Library building in Munich. The meeting is an informal networking opportunity for all researchers to exchange know-how and experiences with current AI tools.
We are currently evaluating what AI-related services we can offer you as MPG researchers and would like to get your input to identify priorities in the field of AI. If you (I) are an AI user, (II) are looking for an AI solution to a research question or process, or (III) are just curious about AI in research and want to participate, please register for this event at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
A preliminary program of the Meet-Up will be posted on our MPDL website shortly. For further questions or comments, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
You are welcome to distribute or print out the flyer in your institute.
RDM Onboarding Course for the CPT Section
April 3, 2024 I 09:00 am - 04:30 pm CEST | Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Mainz & Online
The requirements and needs for the management of research data are increasing. At the same time, the requirements in the various disciplines are becoming increasingly differentiated, resulting in new needs and solutions. The MPDL provides various solutions for the right data management within the Max Planck Society, but where do we start? Get an overview of research data management (RDM) and tools during our RDM Onboarding Course for early career researchers.
FDM Workshop-Website
FDM Workshop Program
6. FDM-Workshop 2024: Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
March 19-21, 2024 I Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany
Day 1 (March 19, 2024) will consist of an FDM onboarding. Here we would like to train 20 MPG colleagues on the various FDM topics. This offer is especially aimed at MPG staff with no or little FDM knowledge. Further information, the program and registration are available on a separate sub-page for the event.
Lectures, demonstrations and discussions are planned for days 2 and 3. This lives mainly from the participation from the different Max Planck Institutes. Further information, the program and the registration form can be found on a separate sub-page.
For these two days we are therefore looking for contributions with a wide variety of topics and formats. If you already have ideas a Call for Participation is already online.
More info:
RDM Onboarding Course for the Biology and Medicine Section
February 8, 2024 I 09:00 am - 04:30 pm CEST | Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Manfred Eigen Lecture Hall, Göttingen & Online
The requirements and needs for the management of research data are increasing. At the same time, the requirements in the various disciplines are becoming increasingly differentiated, resulting in new needs and solutions. The MPDL provides various solutions for the right data management within the Max Planck Society, but where do we start? Get an overview of research data management (RDM) and tools during our RDM Onboarding Course for early career researchers.
FDM Workshop-Website
FDM Workshop Program
RDM Onboarding Course for the Human Sciences Section
February 15, 2024 I 09:00 am - 04:30 pm CEST | Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Halle & Online
The requirements and needs for the management of research data are increasing. At the same time, the requirements in the various disciplines are becoming increasingly differentiated, resulting in new needs and solutions. The MPDL provides various solutions for the right data management within the Max Planck Society, but where do we start? Get an overview of research data management (RDM) and tools during our RDM Onboarding Course for early career researchers.
FDM Workshop-Website
FDM Workshop Program
Internal Workshop Research Data Management
March 29-30, 2023 | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology| hybrid
The increasing amount and complexity of scientific data creates challenges in organizing, documenting, and keeping data available for reviewing research results and for new analyses leading to new insights. This becomes even more important, especially with the new Max Planck rules of practice for "good scientific practice" and the rules for data management. Systematic management of research data is therefore becoming increasingly important.
There are solutions for the various challenges of Research Data Management: Collecting, documenting, storing, analyzing, archiving and publishing. In this workshop, organized in cooperation with the MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology, MPI of Colloids and Interfacesand the und dem MPI Gravitational Physics (AEI), our MPDL experts will give an overview of the topic, different approaches and different data services. The participation is free of charge and targeted to all colleagues, with a special focus on scientists.
More info:
Event details here
MPG Labfolder User Workshop 2023
May 11, 2023 I 12:00 am - 08:30 pm CEST | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
May 12, 2023 I 9:30 am - 02:00 pm CEST | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Many different electronic laboratory notebooks are used within the Max Planck Society. An ELN workshop in 2021 revealed the wide range of solutions in operation. In addition to ELNs with a focus on particular subject areas, there are also ELN systems with a more general approach. One of these is the proprietary software Labfolder.
The Max Planck Society has had a central Labfolder license since the year 2016. Currently, this ELN is actively used by over a thousand MPG colleagues. Labfolder is becoming more and more popular within the Max Planck Society, and at the same time, the users are spread across many different institutions and locations. Therefore, we are organizing a workshop to network the key users of Labfolder within the Max Planck Society. The event is intended as a place to share and learn about people using Labfolder in their daily routines, offering you many opportunities to exchange, expand your knowledge and learn.
More Infos:
RDM Website
Labfolder Workshop Program
Register here
MPDL Roadshows & Workshops
Please find events before January 2016 in our MPDL Roadshows & Workshops Archive.