DeSci Connect

The Max Planck Decentralized Science Initiative – DeSci Connect is dedicated to reshape the future of science by integrating Web3 paradigms into the scientific realm. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, including cryptographic tokens (such as NFTs), decentralized governance, and self-sovereignty, Decentralized Science (DeSci) is transforming the landscape of scientific research and collaboration. The Max Planck Decentralized Science Initiative's ultimate goal is to create a more inclusive, transparent, and efficient scientific ecosystem for all. DeSci Germany is also part of DeSci Connect.

bloxberg - the first Global Blockchain for Science

The MPDL is the initiator of the first global blockchain initiative for science - bloxberg. bloxberg consists of a consortium of international, world-leading research institutions that aim to provide scientists with decentralized services and to foster collaborations among the global scientific community. The MPDL represents the Max Planck Society in the bloxberg consortium. Also, bloxberg has been mentioned in the blockchain strategy of the federal government (available in german) and in the Aktionspapier des Blockchain Bundesverband e.V. (available in german).

Contact: Sandra Vengadasalam & Friederike Kleinfercher

Info: bloxberg

Alliance Focus "Digitality in Science"

MPDL is representing the Max Planck Society in the Alliance Focus "Digitality in Science" (Allianz-Schwerpunkt "Digitalität in der Wissenschaft").

Science Europe, European Science Foundation and German Council of Science and Humanities

In close cooperation with the Office of the President, the MPDL supports the positioning of the Max Planck Society in international councils and their working groups such as Science Europe, European Science Foundation or the  German Council of Science and Humanities.


MPDL is an actice supporter of the international Open Access initiative SCOAP3 and has currently taken on the role of chair of the Governing Council. Contact: Ralf Schimmer (MPDL)

ICOLC, GASCO und Knowledge Exchange

MPDL is representing the Max Planck Society in international alliances for licensing and utilizing scientific information such as ICOLC (International Coalition of Licensing Consortia), GASCO (German, Austrian and Swiss Consortia Organisation) und Knowledge Exchange.


MPDL is collaborating in major international infrastructure projects such as DARIAH and CENDARI. MPDL is also involved in the Research Data Alliance (RDA).

Berlin Open Access Community

MPDL supports the Open Access community building process that was initiated with the Berlin Declaration in 2003 by the President of the Max Planck Society.


MPDL is representing the Max Planck Society in the German alliances for networked information DINI and for metadata interoperability KIM.

Cooperations with Research Partners and Libraries

MPDL is engaged in a variety of close cooperations with partner institutions, among them SUB Göttingen, FIZ Karlsruhe, Uni Regensburg, TU Berlin, HU Berlin, GWDG, Verbundzentrale Göttingen, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld University Library.

International Network

MPDL is also building up a network of international partners and collaborations, including the National Science Library of the Chinese Acadamy of Science, PKP at Stanford University, or NIMS in Japan.

Publisher Contacts

MPDL is a strategic partner for publishers and information providers in their development of products and business models. In addition to frequent visits and feedback meetings, MPDL representatives frequently serve on the International Library Advisory Boards of major international publishers.

Open Science Days

MPDL is the initiator and curator of the eScience conference Open Science Days.