English archive on MPDL events is currently incomplete and beeing buildt.
Digital Change 2023
20. - 22. November 2023 | Kloster Seeon
Digital Change 2023 – das Symposium für die Zukunft des Wissenschaftsmanagements. Nutzen Sie die Chance, sich mit Expert*innen aus Forschungskoordination, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Wissenschaftsmanagement auszutauschen und interdisziplinär zu diskutieren. Was sind die größten Herausforderungen, denen wir gegenüberstehen? Welche Chancen erwarten uns in der Zukunft? Welche Lösungen und Best-Practice-Methoden gibt es bereits? Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die Chancen der digitalen Veränderungen ergreifen und unsere Zukunft gestalten. Wir freuen uns auf eine anregende Diskussion mit Ihnen.
Mehr Informationen:
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an das This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Sixth bloxberg Summit for Association Members
October 26-27, 2023 I Belgrade I Serbia
Faculty of Organizational Sciences | University of Belgrade
The sixth bloxberg summit will be organized by one of the founding members of bloxberg, the Faculty of Organizational Sciences. bloxberg will be a conference only addressed to delegates from research organizations and third parties engaging in decentralized science applications. The second day will be open to the general public for the first time this year.
Fifth bloxberg Summit for Consortium Members
October 26-27, 2022 I Protaras I Cyprus
October 26-27, 2022 I Couch I Worldwide
The fifth bloxberg summit will be organized by one of the founding members of bloxberg, the University of Nicosia.
Please note that bloxberg will be a conference by invitation only addressed to delegates from research organizations. -
Fourth bloxberg Summit for Consortium Members
May 3-4, 2022 I UCL I London I United Kingdom
May 3-4, 2022 I UCL I Couch I Worldwide
The fourth bloxberg summit will be organized by one of the founding members of bloxberg, the University College London (UCL).
Please note that bloxberg will be a conference by invitation only addressed to delegates from research organizations.
Open Science Days 2021
October 19, 2021 I 01:15 pm - 04:45 pm | Virtual Meeting
October 20, 2021 I 09:30 am - 02:00 pm | Virtual Meeting
The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) cordially invites you to participate in the Open Science Days 2021. The conference will take place as a virtual zoom meeting and is going to extend over two half days.
When looking at the different areas of Open Science in the past years, we were often confronted with the question of where and how the growing significance of Open Science does affect the reality of a daily research routine within the various disciplines. Or: how it should be affected? This is the key question we would like to shed light on during the conference. A number of challenges for academic everyday life are reflected by the principles of Good Scientific Practice. Major changes within the complex system of research routine and publication workflows are caused, not least by elements of Open Science turning into reality. This applies in particular to the fields of Open Access, Open Research Data, and Open Research Software, which have been at the center of attention for quite some time now.
You can find more info on the Open Science Days website.
You can look up the official program for the Open Science Days here.
The registration for the conference is open for everybody and is now available.
Talk Series: Open Science in Practice
June-October, 2021 | every Wednesday | on Zoom
Open Science practices have become more and more a part of researchers‘ everyday life. The MPDL presents a virtual series of pertinent talks to provide Max Planck colleagues with the latest information on Open Science best practices, tools, platforms, and regulations. We invited speakers from diverse fields to present their Open Science-related projects, experiences, or initiatives.
The 2021 virtual talk series will take place every Wednesday at 1:00 pm from June to October. You can find more info here. -
Open Science Ambassadors Conference
October 18, 2021 | online
Open Access Ambassadors become Open Science Ambassadors!
The MPG PhDnet, together with the Max Planck Digital Library, are inviting you to the 3rd Open Science Ambassadors conference and to become an Ambassador for Open Access and Open Science at your Institute. The next event will be held online on October 18, 2021, within the MPDL’s Open Science Days. Through the lecture series, participants will learn more about the ways Open Access and Open Science practices are being implemented within the Max Planck Society.
Third bloxberg Summit for Consortium Members
September 29 - October 01, 2021 I Harnack House I Berlin I Germany
September 29 - October 01, 2021 I Couch I Worldwide
Please note that bloxberg will be a conference by invitation only addressed to delegates from research organizations.
MPG City Week 2021
June 7-10, 2021 | Wherever you are
MPG LeadNet Symposium 2021
June 8, 2021 I MPG City Week I Wherever you are
The LeadNet symposium is the annual meeting of all junior researchers holding a leadership responsibility in the Max Planck Society. All research leaders can share scientific and technological knowledge and address common career and administrative issues. The LeadNet steering committee has again assembled an exciting program!
This year LeadNet will be part of the virtual MPG City Week from June 7-10, 2021. The LeadNet Symposium 2021 will take place Tuesday, June 8, 2021. The event will be integrated into MPG City Week. Registration is open now!
More info:
MPG LeadNet
MPG LeadNet Symposium 2020
May 28 - 29, 2020 I Harnack Haus I Berlin
The LeadNet symposium is the annual meeting of all junior researchers holding a leadership responsibility in the Max Planck Society. All research leaders can share scientific and technological knowledge, as well as address common career and administrative issues. The LeadNet steering committee has again assembled an exciting program!
More information for the LeadNet Symposium 2020.
MPRGL Annual Meeting 2020
May 27 & 28, 2020 | Harnack Haus | Berlin | Germany
The MPRGL annual meeting is for all Max Planck Research Group Leaders holding a leadership responsibility in the Max Planck Society. All Max Planck Research Groupleaders can share scientific and technological knowledge, as well as address common career and administrative issues. The MPRGL-Speakers have again assembled an exciting program!
More information on the MPRGL Annual Meeting.
CANCELLED: Second bloxberg Summit for Consortium Members
March 02 - 04, 2020 I Harnack House I Berlin I Germany
Please note that bloxberg will be a conference by invitation only addressed to delegates from research organizations.
CANCELLED: More information will follow soon!
CANCELLED: Open Science Days 2020
02nd and 3rd of March 2020 I Berlin, Harnack House
The Event is directed at researchers and specialists from inside und especially from outside the Max Planck Society who are interested in an interdisciplinary communication about Open Science. For this event, we have decided to broaden our view on the world of research and to examine the relationship between Open Science and Good Scientific Practice.
The conference language will be English, the participation fee is 100 € and the number of participants is limited to 60 persons.
For additional information please visit:
CANCELLED: More information will follow soon!
Open Access Ambassadors Conference
December 10 - 11, 2019 I Harnack House I Berlin
PhDnet in collaboration with the Max Planck Digital Library restart the Open Access Ambassadors program (OAA). A conference with leading experts and interactive workshops for Max Planck Society’s early career researchers (ERCs)! The OAA program follows a train-the-trainer concept aiming at enabling ECRs to promote open access and open science at their respective institutes. We invite each Max-Planck-Institute to send one to two ECRs to the Berlin event. At the Berlin conference and workshop, OAA will collaboratively develop action plans to be implemented at their institutes.
Become an Ambassador and register now!
5th Symposium for Research Coordinators of the MPG
October 14-16, 2019 I Feuriger Tatzlwurm I Oberaudorf
Im Fokus stehen dieses Mal Themen wie Digitale Kommunikationswege in der Forschung, Open Access 2020 und Projekt DEAL sowie deren aktuelle Entwicklungen, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftsmanagement innerhalb und außerhalb der MPG, die Blockchaintechnologie in der Wissenschaft, Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Publikationsprofilen z.B. für Fachbeiratsberichte, Berufungen, Förderanträge sowie Neues aus dem MPDL Serviceportfolio.
Natürlich ist 2019 das Augenmerk auch wieder auf den interdisziplinären Austausch zwischen KollegInnen innerhalb und außerhalb der MPG gerichtet. Umgeben von Wald, Wiesen und den beeindruckenden Wasserfällen der Gumpei-Klamm lädt die erstaunliche Alleinlage auf sonnigem Voralpenplateau zum persönlichen Erfahrungsaustausch mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen sowie Expertinnen und Experten innerhalb und außerhalb der MPG ein!
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
MPG LeadNet Symposium 2019
May 06 - 07, 2019 I Harnack Haus I Berlin
The LeadNet symposium is the annual meeting of all junior researchers holding a leadership responsibility in the Max Planck Society. All research leaders can share scientific and technological knowledge, as well as address common career and administrative issues. The LeadNet steering committee has again assembled an exciting program!
More information for the LeadNet Symposium 2019.
First bloxberg Summit for Consortium Members
February 20 - 22, 2019 I Castle Ringberg I Tegernsee I Bavaria I Germany
Please note that bloxberg will be a conference by invitation only addressed to delegates from research organizations.
December 03 - 04, 2018 I Harnack Haus I Berlin I Germany
Please note that Berlin 14 will be a conference by invitation only addressed to delegates from research organizations.
4th Symposium for Research Coordinators of the MPG
June 18 - 20, 2018 I Hotel Alpenhof Murnau I Murnau am Staffelsee
Im Fokus stehen Themen wie Digitale Gadgets (Mobile Endgeräte, Drohnen etc.) in der Forschung, wissenschaftliches Publizieren und seine aktuelle Entwicklungen, intelligente, wissenschaftliche Assistenz-Systeme im Labor und auch Neues aus dem MPDL Serviceportfolio - Blockchainzertifizierung von Forschungsdaten sowie Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Publikationsprofilen z.B. für Fachbeiratsberichte, Berufungen oder Förderanträge.
Natürlich ist auch 2018 der Augenmerk auf den interdisziplinären Austausch zwischen KollegInnen innerhalb und außerhalb der MPG gerichtet. Die Sonnenterrasse des Alpenhofs mit Blick auf die Zugspitze und das Wettersteinmassiv bietet genau die richtige Atmosphäre hierzu. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt.
Find more information here.
Research Data Management Workshop
19. - 20. April 2018 I Max-Planck-Institut für Psychatrie I München
Der Umgang mit digitalen Forschungsdaten wird seit Jahren diskutiert. Dies betrifft alle Arten von Daten sowie ihren kompletten Lebenszyklus:
Vieles, das früher noch von Hand aufgeschrieben wurde, wird jetzt digital und oft automatisch erfasst (z.B. durch ein elektronisches Laborbuch). Neue Tools und (Cloud-) Services kommen auf den Markt, die die Verarbeitung der Daten unterstützen. Die Anzahl der Datenpublikationen steigt, nicht zuletzt durch die neuen Anforderungen der Forschungsförderer und der Wissenschaftsverlage. Ebenso die Nachfrage nach Archivlösungen, die eine langfristige Speicherung der Daten, ihre Wiederauffindbarkeit und ihre Interpretationsfähigkeit garantieren können, vor allem vor dem Hintergrund des stetigen Organisationswechsels der Wissenschaftler.
Viele Servicegruppen (IT-Abteilungen, Bibliotheken, Labore, etc.) innerhalb der Institute stehen neuen Anforderungen im Umgang mit digitalem Datenmanagement gegenüber.
Nachdem es dazu bereits 2016 einen ersten Workshop in Bonn am MPI für Gemeinschaftsgüter gab und einen weiteren auf dem DV Treffen 2016, möchten wir das Thema wieder aufgreifen und alle Betroffenen zu gegenseitigem Austausch und Inspiration im Rahmen eines weiteren Max-Planck-internen Workshops einladen.
Weitere Informationen sowie die Anmeldung finden Sie auf unserer Homepage.
MPG LeadNet Symposium 2018
May 16 - 17, 2018 I Harnack Haus I Berlin
The LeadNet symposium is the annual meeting of all junior researchers holding a leadership responsibility in the Max Planck Society. All research leaders can share scientific and technological knowledge, as well as address common career and administrative issues. The LeadNet steering committee has again assembled an exiting program!
More information for the LeadNet Symposium 2018.
Open Science Days 2017
02nd and 3rd of March 2020 I Berlin, Harnack House
The Event is directed at researchers and specialists from inside und especially from outside the Max Planck Society who are interested in an interdisciplinary communication about Open Science. For this event, we have decided to broaden our view on the world of research and to examine the relationship between Open Science and Good Scientific Practice.
The conference language will be English, the participation fee is 100 € and the number of participants is limited to 60 persons.
For additional information please visit:
MPG LeadNet Symposium 2017
9th - 10th of Mai 2017 I Harnack House I Berlin
The LeadNet symposium is the annual meeting of all junior researchers holding a leadership responsibility in the Max Planck Society. All research leaders can share scientific and technological knowledge, as well as address common career and administrative issues. The LeadNet steering committee has again assembled an exiting program!
Poster Bird registration: Until 26 March, we offer a 50% discount for your accommodation if you commit to bringing an introductory poster. This offer is only for the first 40 „poster birds“!
Register now!
More information and registration for the LeadNet Symposium 2017. -
[sic!] Jülich 2017
User Workshop Bibliometrics
4th to 6th of April 2017 I Forschungszentrum Jülich
The Max Planck Digital Library und the Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich host together a workshop: The [sic!] Jülich 2017 – user workshop bibliometrics".
You can find more information on the website of Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich. -
Berlin 13
21st to 22nd of March 2017 I Harnack House I Berlin
One year after the launch of OA2020, we want to review the progress of the initiative and focus on embedding structures and measures supporting the transformation in different countries. Day 1 is reserved for the signatories of the ‘Expression of Interest’ of OA2020 and observers from the academic community, day 2 is open to the public. On this second day, different concepts of transformation will be presented and there will be outreach to the publishing industry.
Register now:
Please note that registration will be closed either on March 07 or if the maximum number of participants is reached.
In case you are from an academic institution and would like to attend the first day also, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For details regarding the conference agenda, venue and accomodation visit:
3rd Symposium for Research Coordinators of the MPG
21st to 23rd November 2016 I Schloß Hohenkammer
You can find more information here.
ELN Workshop
14th to 15th of March 2016 | Berlin, Harnack House
In context of this workshop there will be a lively exchange between ELN experts as well as ELN newcomers. The workshop aims at discussing new ideas, recurring problems, possible solution strategies and objectives within the broad field of ELN. Moreover presentations will be held about several ELN systems which may be especially interesting for those colleagues which are presently looking for a suitable ELN software solution.
The workshop is a Max Planck-internal event; it is free of charge but the number of participants is limited to 50 persons.
Sign up for our new ELN Workshop.
ESAC Offsetting Workshop
March 7-8, 2016 | Munich, Max Planck Digital Library
Directly affecting the existing corpus of scientific journals, offsetting agreements seem to be a promising approach when it comes to achieving a substantial switch to open access. Within the scope of the ESAC initiative, MPDL hosts a two-day workshop on offsetting in cooperation with the Austrian Academic Consortium and Open Access Network Austria. The aim is to exchange experiences with the different mechanisms that are currently in place, while focusing especially on both publisher’s business processes and institutional workflows. Find detailed information here
Open Science Days 2016
17th and 18th of February 2016 I Berlin, Harnack House
It is directed at researchers and specialists from inside und especially from outside the Max Planck Society who are interested in an interdisciplinary communication about Open Science. At the forthcoming conference, we would like to put an emphasis on one of the numerous areas of Open Science: The focus topic in 2016 will be CITIZEN SCIENCE.
The conference language will be English. The participation fee is 100 € and the number of participants is limited to 80 persons.
For registration, preliminary program and additional information please visit:
Berlin 12
8th to 9th of December 2015 | Berlin
Staging the Open Access Transformation of Subscription Journals
Please note that Berlin 12 will be a conference by invitation only addressed to delegates from research organizations. In case you have any questions concerning the conference please contact Max Planck Digital Library via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open Access Ambassodors Workshop 2015
8th of June 2015, Tübingen
We are planning to meet for a one day workshop at the MPI for Developmental Biology in Tübingen on June 8th. We would like to
- Get in touch with you again
- Learn about your local activities
- Discuss and exchange ideas
- Discuss this year’s OpenCon in Brussels as well as the options for Ambassadors to participate in OpenCon
- Get together for barbecue and beer in the evening
And: We would like you to contribute something to this workshop: Everyone who is planning to attend is asked to send a brief summary on her or his activities or planned events (like “what/ when/ how?”) in advance until the 27th of May so that we can draft the workshop’s agenda.
Go to our registration (until the 27th of May).
Open Access Ambassodors Conference
3rd and 4th December 2014, Munich
Would you like to get deeper insights into scientific publishing, copyright, and career-building in science?
Are you enthusiastic about sharing and disseminating scientific knowledge?
Would you like to become part of a network of advocates starting to improve scientific communication?
Then become an OPEN ACCESS AMBASSADOR for your Max Planck Institute!The OPEN ACCESS AMBASSADOR campaign is specifically for young researchers within the Max Planck Society.
Read mor about the OPEN ACCESS AMBASSADOR Conference.
imeji Day 2014
20th and 21st October 2014, Berlin
We are very happy to kindly invite you to the imeji Day 2014.
This year the imeji Day will be located in Berlin (Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum). We are looking forward to see you and want to initiate and deepen discussions around the imeji software.More information will be anounced soon on our imeji website.
Open Science Days 2014
13th and 14th October 2014, Berlin
The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) cordially invites you to participate in the in the Open Science Days 2014. The event, which will take place at the Harnack House in Berlin, is going to extend over one and a half days (October 13/14) and will include various forms of talks as well as a panel discussion. It is directed at researchers and specialists from inside and especially from outside the Max Planck Society who are interested in an interdisciplinary communication about Open Science. Participants will have the opportunity to present their own ideas, experiences, initiatives or activities and to discuss current topics related to the scopes mentioned above. The conference language will be English. The participation fee is 100 € and the number of participants is limited to 80 persons.
The Harnack House provides a contingent of guest rooms for participants of the Open Science Days. Please note that reservations will only be accepted until September 14.
For registration, program and additional information please visit:
September 30th, 2014, 11:00 - Max Planck Digital Library Munich, Amalienstraße 33
Christine L. Borgman, Professor & Presidential Chair in Information Studies, UCLA
Lecture: „Big Data, Little Data, Open Data, and Scholarship“
and follow-up dicussion. Since many years, Prof. Borgman is studying electronic scholarly communication and the role of research data. This fall, she is working as a guest researcher in the Netherlands. After giving the keynote speech at the Research Data Alliance plenary meeting we proudly welcome her as guest speaker and expert.
Participation is free. The number of participants is limited to 30. For registration please contact Michael Franke.
Symposium for Research Coordinators
28. - 30. April, Kreuth am Tegernsee
Digitale Services im ForschungsprozessDr. Wolfram Horstmann – des. Direktor der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek GöttingenDr. Ralf Tatzel - Referent der geschäftsführenden Leitung, Max-Planck-Institut für BiochemieBettina Mann – Forschungskoordinatorin, Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische ForschungDr. Stefan Mueck – Big Data Leader Europe, IBM Global Business ServicesAstrid Rauchfuss – Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting GroupDie ForschungskoordinatorInnen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft sorgen seit Jahren für die hervorragenden Arbeitsbedingungen an unseren Instituten. Die hierzu nötige Infrastruktur und Organisation sowie die damit verbundenen Prozesse und Werkzeuge sind im steten Wandel und müssen immer wieder angepasst und erneuert werden.
Die größte übergreifende Herausforderung ist der digitale Fortschritt und seine fortwährend anwachsenden Möglichkeiten und Chancen: Welche Trends gibt es und was wird auf uns zukommen? Wie kann ich Digitale Services an meinem Institut gezielt einsetzen? Welche Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen bestehen? Welche organisatorischen Konsequenzen gibt es und wie gehe ich damit um? Wie kann ich durch Digitale Services WissenschaftlerInnen mehr Freiraum und Zeit für Neues, neue Wege und Möglichkeiten schaffen?
Der Augenmerk des Symposiums ist vor allem auf den interdisziplinären Austausch gerichtet: Welche Erfahrungen haben meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen aber auch andere außerhalb der MPG gemacht? Was ist für einen individuell sinnvollen Einsatz abzuwägen? Welche Implementierungsalternativen (make or buy) gibt es? Welche Herausforderungen und Best-Practice-Vorgehensweisen gibt es in der Rolle als ForschungskoordinatorIn bei der Erkundung, Entscheidung und Implementierung?
Diese und viele weitere Punkte rund um das Thema „Digitale Services im Forschungsprozess“ können ForschungskoordinatorInnen im Rahmen eines dreitägigen Workshops zwischen dem 28. und 30. April 2014 diskutieren.
Genießen Sie dabei die wundervolle Atmosphäre und Landschaft auf und um Schloss Ringberg am Tegernsee bei München.
PubMan Days 2013
23. bis 24. Oktober 2013, München
Die MPDL möchte Sie herzlich zu den PubMan Days 2013 einladen. Unsere alljährliche Veranstaltung findet dieses Jahr am 23. und 24. Oktober in der Generalverwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) sowie in der MPDL in München statt.
Die Repository Software PubMan ist eine Anwendung, die es Forschungsorganisationen ermöglicht, Publikationsdaten nachhaltig zu speichern, zu verwalten und mit ergänzenden Materialien anzureichern sowie für andere Webdienste zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Unser diesjähriges Schwerpunktthema lautet “Publikationen und Forschungsdaten“.
Einige Publikationsrepositorien – wie auch PubMan – bieten die Möglichkeit Publikationsdaten mit Forschungsdaten anzureichern und diese als sogenanntes „Supplementary Material“ abzulegen. Forschungsaktivitäten, die einer Publikation zugrunde liegen, werden auf diesem Weg für die Öffentlichkeit greifbarer, nachvollziehbarer und nachnutzbarer. Solche „Enhanced Publications“ bringen folglich einige Vorteile mit sich. Aber sicherlich gibt es an der einen oder anderen Stelle auch Bedenken, Fragen oder Diskussionsbedarf. Mit einem bunten Mix an interessanten Beiträgen möchten wir uns im Rahmen der PubMan Days dieser Thematik widmen und mit Ihnen gemeinsam verschiedenste Beispielszenarien und Gedankenexperimente veranschaulichen.
imeji Day 2013
22nd Oktober 2013, Munich
The MPDL imeji Day 2013 will start with an overview of the software itself as well as deeper insights into the core functionalities and the specialties of imeji. Several imeji users (project coordinators, scientists and developers) will share their working experiences with imeji and will point out why the imeji solution fulfills their needs. After a time for discussion and questions we will start the, more technical, afternoon. If you want to set up imeji by yourself, customize it or get involved into the imeji development, this is the part you should not miss! You can find the whole program in pdf format.
For questions and comments please contact the imeji-support mailinglist.
The number of attendants is limited, please make sure you register soon. For registration send an informal email to the imeji-support mailinglist. We would like to ask you to include your preferred language (en or de), as well as if you want to join us for an informal dinner (self payment) in the evening of October 22nd 2013.
Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)
Amalienstr. 33
80799 Munich
imeji Day 2013
October 22nd 2013
Max Planck Digital Library
Amalienstr. 33
80799 Munich
For questions and comments please contact the imeji-support mailinglist
The number of attendants is limited, please make sure you register soon. For registration send an informal email to the imeji-support mailinglist. We would like to ask you to include your preferred language (en or de), as well as if you want to join us for an informal dinner (self payment) in the evening of October 22nd 2013.
We will start with an overview of the software itself as well as deeper insights into the core functionalities and the specialties of imeji. Several imeji users (project coordinators, scientists and developers) will share their working experiences with imeji and will point out why the imeji solution fulfills their needs. After a time for discussion and questions we will start the, more technical, afternoon. If you want to set up imeji by yourself, customize it or get involved into the imeji development, this is the part you should not miss! You can find the whole program in pdf format.
PubMan Days 2013
Die Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) möchte Sie herzlich zu den PubMan Days 2013 einladen. Unsere alljährliche Veranstaltung findet dieses Jahr am 23. und 24. Oktober in der Generalverwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) sowie in der MPDL in München statt.
Unser diesjähriges Schwerpunktthema lautet “Publikationen und Forschungsdaten“.
Die Repository Software PubMan ist eine Anwendung, die es Forschungsorganisationen ermöglicht, Publikationsdaten nachhaltig zu speichern, zu verwalten und mit ergänzenden Materialien anzureichern sowie für andere Webdienste zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Einige Publikationsrepositorien – wie auch PubMan – bieten die Möglichkeit Publikationsdaten mit Forschungsdaten anzureichern und diese als sogenanntes „Supplementary Material“ abzulegen. Forschungsaktivitäten, die einer Publikation zugrunde liegen, werden auf diesem Weg für die Öffentlichkeit greifbarer, nachvollziehbarer und nachnutzbarer. Solche „Enhanced Publications“ bringen folglich einige Vorteile mit sich. Aber sicherlich gibt es an der einen oder anderen Stelle auch Bedenken, Fragen oder Diskussionsbedarf. Mit einem bunten Mix an interessanten Beiträgen möchten wir uns im Rahmen der PubMan Days dieser Thematik widmen und mit Ihnen gemeinsam verschiedenste Beispielszenarien und Gedankenexperimente veranschaulichen.
Zur Homepage PubMan Days 2013:
Berlin 10 Open Access Conference
7th - 8th of November 2012, Southafrica
English archive on MPDL events is currently incomplete and beeing buildt.