Archive press releases
Fourth bloxberg Summit 2022
- 05/2022
London, UK – May 3-4, 2022 – the fourth bloxberg summit takes place with major changes regarding the research network’s future direction.
The fourth bloxberg summit took place as a hybrid conference in London from May 3-4, 2022, at University College London (UCL). The bloxberg summit is the annual meeting of the bloxberg consortium, organized for the fourth time in a row by the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) and this time in cooperation with UCL, one of the founding members of bloxberg. The meeting was hosted by UCL at the LABS workspace at 90 High Holborn building.
More than 25 research organizations participated in the summit to decide on several proposals regarding the future development of the bloxberg network.
With the first vote, the consortium made a groundbreaking decision, introducing a significant and forward-looking change for the future of the network: the "bloxberg Association for the Advancement of Blockchain in Science" is going to be founded under German legislation this year. Refining bloxberg's governance model followed this proposal. In the third decision, the consortium agreed to introduce tokenomics to bloxberg to ensure sustainable funding of the infrastructure. Finally, the consortium members supported a technical proposal to move from a monolithic to a modular architecture with the current bloxberg infrastructure as Layer1.
Friederike Kleinfercher, bloxberg Initiator and Deputy Manager Max Planck Digital Library:
"I am really thrilled about the vivid bloxberg consortium. Again, the current summit showed that bloxberg is driven by academic enthusiasts who see the potential of blockchain in science, which resulted in groundbreaking decisions at the bloxberg summit 2022. The bloxberg association and the introduction of a sustainable tokenomics will take the project to a new level, enabling bloxberg to evolve and expand as the scientific blockchain infrastructure worldwide ".
Arshdeep Bahga, Georgia Tech alumni and founding member of the bloxberg network:
"bloxberg is a consortium blockchain network made by researchers for researchers. Over 50 universities from all over the world have come together to build the largest consortium proof-of-authority blockchain network for scientific applications. bloxberg will power a wide range of decentralized web3 applications for research and academic use cases. "
Prof Maria Frahm-Arp, Executive Director of the Library and Information Centre at the University of Johannesburg:
"bloxberg is a unique blockchain space where researchers can experiment and explore the endless possibilities blockchains open up on a large stable blockchain which is not a commercial space."
Eventually, the Max Planck Society, represented by MPDL in the consortium, was again elected to the Iron Throne. "We need a decentralized place to digitize academic processes with low fees and quality control by the global academic community. With the Max Planck Society, we have a strong leader to reach the high arching goals of bloxberg: To connect universities, offer a censorship-free publication system, support good causes all over the world and be energy, cost, and time-efficient. We as the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, are happy to support this project." said Philip Sandner, Head of the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center.
About bloxberg:
The bloxberg infrastructure is a secure scientific global blockchain established by a consortium of researchers and research organizations to provide science with decentralized services worldwide. It broadens the scientific landscape of regionally and nationally governed blockchain networks and is the first globally maintained decentralized scientific network for scientists.
The bloxberg consortium aims to foster collaboration among the global scientific community, empowering researchers with full, autonomous services that transcend institutional boundaries. The excellent reputation of the participating research organizations encourages scientists worldwide to utilize the bloxberg network and the applications built on top of the infrastructure.
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About the Max Planck Society
The Max Planck Society conducts basic research in the natural sciences, life science, and humanities. The 86 Max Planck Institutes and 17 Max Planck Centers internationally focus on innovative research fields and address forward-looking scientific questions. The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is a central unit of the Max Planck Society that supports scientists with a broad portfolio of services in the fields of information provision, publication support, and research data management. MPDL is a founding member of the bloxberg blockchain and represents the Max Planck Society within the consortium.
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Digital Library
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