- 06/2020
The bloxberg Summit 2020 took place online on May 28th and June 2nd. The summit is the yearly meeting of the bloxberg consortium, organized by the MPDL, where projects are being presented and the newest topics surrounding blockchain and science are discussed.
On the first day of the summit the third parties ARTiFACTS®, Decentralized Science, Ethernity HODL UG , and Wolfram Blockchain Labs presented their businesses and explained their affiliation to bloxberg. Topics like the integration of blockchain and cloud computing technologies, decentralized reputation systems for researchers, and functions providing reading and writing capabilities for different blockchains have been presented.
On the second day of the summit, speakers from universities and institutions which are part of the consortium introduced their current projects. Institutions such as the University of Nicosia, the University of Geneva, the Hamburg University of Applied Science, the University of Applied Science Technikum Wien, and the MPDL presented their use cases. The University of Nicosia introduced the consortium to its DLT4ALL project, which has the goal to make blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies and their applications understandable. The MPDL spoke about its new project of Peer Review Aggregation on bloxberg, which aims to bring recognition to peer viewing efforts. A concept to foster reuse of research data using bloxberg has been a topic discussed by the Hamburg University of Applied Science. In addition, the possibilities for security that blockchains are providing have been presented: the University of Geneva explained the verification of diplomas based on a smart contract on bloxberg and the University of Applied Science Technikum Wien spoke out about electronic voting secured by the blockchain.
We would like to thank all participants and speakers. The bloxberg Summit 2020 was a complete success and inspired further discussions about blockchain and science! For more information on the individual projects visit the websites of the participating institutions.
More Info:
Hamburg University of Applied Science
University of Applied Science Technikum Wien
You can find more info about the third parties here.