• Open Access Books Agreement with De Gruyter

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    Authors affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge (BPC) and on the standard Chapter Publishing Charge. MPDL covers the costs remaining after the discount is applied on a pro rata basis. The agreement runs until December 2025.

    In order to make use of the agreement the following conditions must be met:

    • Eligible authors are all authors and volume editors affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute. Volume editors must additionally be authors of a chapter of an edited volume.
    • Eligible authors must be affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute and this affiliation must be stated in the published book or chapter.
    • Eligible works under this agreement are De Gruyter monographs, edited volumes and individual chapters in edited volumes.  
    • All De Gruyter imprints are included.



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Books Agreement with Mohr Siebeck

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    Authors and editors affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute are entitled to publish their books open access. The open access publication is in addition to the publication of the print version of a title. The amount of the surcharge to be paid for the open access publication is calculated as a percentage of the print grant. The agreement will run until May 2027.

    • Eligible authors are all authors and volume editors affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute. Volume editors must additionally be authors of a chapter in an edited volume.
    • Eligible works under this agreement are monographs and edited volumes published by Mohr Siebeck. Textbooks, handbooks, comments and commemorative publications are not eligible works.
    • The works are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY License) in its current version. However, the authors/editors are free to choose a different CC license.

    The costs of the open access surcharge are covered by the MPDL. The print grant is paid by the affiliated institute of the eligible author/editor and/or by the eligible author/editor themselves.


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    Further information
    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library 
    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement between DEAL Consortium and Elsevier

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society participates in the agreement between the DEAL Consortium and Elsevier and centrally covers the Open Access fees for affiliated corresponding authors in more than 2500 Elsevier hybrid and fully Open Access journals, including Cell Press and The Lancet journals.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing in Elsevier journals:

    • The article has been accepted for publication by an Elsevier hybrid or fully open access journal. From the perspective of the Max Planck Society, a CC BY license should be selected (as the only compatible license with EU and other funder mandates), if offered by the journal.
    • The acceptance date of the article is on or after 16 October, 2023.
    • To be eligible, the author must be the corresponding author of the article. Please note that in order to be eligible it is not sufficient to be corresponding author in name only, but the author must act as main contact for Elsevier after editorial acceptance.
    • The author must be affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and must publish under this affiliation – the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the published article.
    • The article matches one of these types: Full Length Articles; Review Articles; Case Reports; Data in Brief; Microarticle; Original Software Publication; Protocol; Replication Study; Short Communication; Short Survey; Video Article.
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters, etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    The list of all Elsevier journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder.


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    Further information
    HRK press release
    DEAL-Elsevier agreement
    Elsevier information page
    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library
    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with The National Academy of Sciences

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has established a new open access agreement with the National Academy of Sciences, which allows authors to publish open access in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY) without direct costs. The agreement covers the open access publication charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors centrally, meaning that authors or institutes will not be invoiced. This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

     To publish open access without having to pay Article Publication Charges (APCs), the following criteria must be met:

    • A Max Planck author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation - the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article.
    • The article is accepted between May 1, 2023 and Apr 30, 2026.

    • The article matches one of these types: Research Reports, Brief Reports

    • The articles is published under a CC-BY license

    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement

    When submitting, a Max Planck email address should be used (if possible) and the Max Planck affiliation should be stated. During the production process, PNAS and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.



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    Further information

    PNAS Transformative Agreement with MPDL (Publisher page)

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Books Agreement with Brill

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    Authors affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge (BPC) and on the standard Chapter Publishing Charge. MPDL covers the costs remaining after the discount is applied on a pro rata basis. The agreement runs until December 2025.

    In order to make use of the agreement the following conditions must be met:


    • Eligible authors are all authors and volume editors affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute. Volume editors must additionally be authors of a chapter of an edited volume.
    • Eligible authors must be affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute and this affiliation must be stated in the published book or chapter.
    • Eligible works under this agreement are Brill monographs, edited volumes and individual chapters in edited volumes.  
    • Brill‘s German language imprints Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Böhlau, Schöningh, Fink & mentis are included.



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    Further information

    Brill press release

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Books Agreement with Springer Nature

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    Authors and volume editors affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge (BPC). MPDL covers the costs remaining after the discount is applied on a pro rata basis.

    In order to make use of the agreement the following conditions must be met:

    • Authors and volume editors must be affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute and this affiliation must be stated in the published book.

    • Eligible authors must be the sole-, lead- or co-author or volume editor of a book. Volume editors are required to be a contributor of one (or more) self-written chapter(s) in the book.

    • Eligible books under this agreement are Springer Nature monographs and edited volumes with an editorial acceptance date between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024.

    • All English and German language Springer Nature books imprints and series by eligible authors are included.

    • CC-BY license is the default.



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Why should I choose the open CC-BY license for my article?

    Why should I choose the open CC-BY license for my article?

    The Max Planck Society, the Alliance of German Science Organizations and cOAlition S encourage authors to choose, wherever possible, the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) for their published works.

    While authors have traditionally transferred all rights over their works to publishers, under the CC-BY license authors keep the right to re-use their own work and freely and legally share their published articles. Hence the CC-BY license fruits the greatest possible impact and use and re-use of your research, enabling scholars and scientists everywhere to learn from and build on the results of your research and increasing the potential of digital technologies in research, such as text and data mining, while ensuring that you as the author are always given credit as the creator of the work. This is why you should always use CC-BY without additional restrictive attributions. Particularly the NC-attribution (=non-commercial) should be avoided as it is often unclear what constitutes commercial use and the NC-attribution is incompatible with re-use even on open content platforms like Wikipedia.

    The Max Planck Society is working on establishing the CC-BY license as the gold standard in scholarly publishing. While the majority of journals included in the Max Planck Society’s Open Access agreements prompt authors to choose the CC-BY license by default, there are exceptions. In these cases, authors are encouraged to select the least restrictive Creative Commons license available.

    Taking the opportunity to publish your article open access under the CC-BY license, you will contribute to a growing body of openly available research findings, enabling more profound, expansive and impactful studies, accelerating the process of science itself, whereby new discoveries are built upon previously established results.

    Further information:




    Warum sollte ich die offene CC-BY Lizenz für meinen Artikel wählen?

    Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, die Allianz der deutschen Wissenschaftsorganisationen sowie auch die cOAlition S empfehlen, wann immer möglich, die Vergabe der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC-BY für wissenschaftliche Publikationen.

    Während Autor*innen bislang ihre Nutzungsrechte meist exklusiv an den Verlag übertragen haben, behalten sie durch die CC-BY-Lizenz die Rechte an ihrem Werk, und sie bestimmen selbst über die weiteren Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Die CC-BY-Lizenz ermöglicht Ihnen als AutorIn daher die größtmögliche Verbreitung, Nutzung und Nachnutzung Ihrer Forschung und ermöglicht es Wissenschaftlern überall von den Ergebnissen Ihrer Arbeit zu lernen und darauf aufzubauen. Ebenso erhöht die CC-BY-Lizenz das Potential digitaler Technologien in der Forschung, z. B. automatische Textanalyse-Verfahren oder KI-Anwendungen, während sie ebenfalls sicherstellt, dass Sie immer als Urheber des Originals genannt werden müssen. Daher sollten Sie immer CC-BY ohne zusätzliche einschränkende Attribution wählen. Besonders die NC-Attribution (nicht-kommerziell) sollte vermieden werden da oft unklar ist, welche Nutzungen als kommerziell gelten könnten und die NC-Einschränkung bereits die Nachnutzung auf Open Content-Seiten wie Wikipedia verhindert.

    Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft strebt an, CC-BY als Standardlizenz für das Open-Access-Publizieren zu etablieren. Die meisten Zeitschriften, die über die Open Access-Verträge der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft abgedeckt sind, bieten die CC-BY-Lizenz als Standard an, aber es gibt auch Ausnahmen. In diesen Fällen sollten Sie bitte immer die am wenigsten einschränkende CC-Lizenz wählen.

    Wenn Sie die Gelegenheit nutzen, Ihren Artikel Open Access unter der CC-BY-Lizenz zu veröffentlichen, tragen Sie zu einem wachsenden Korpus an offen zugänglichen Forschungsergebnissen bei, was wiederum eine tiefgreifendere, umfangreichere und wirkungsvollere Nutzung erlaubt, wodurch der Prozess der Wissenschaft selbst beschleunigt wird, indem neue Entdeckungen auf bereits etablierten Erkenntnissen aufbauen.

    Weiterführende Informationen:




    CClicenses meaning

    (Graphics source: https://foter.com/blog/how-to-attribute-creative-commons-photos/ / (CC-BY-SA))


  • Open Access Agreement with Microbiology Society

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has established a transformative open access agreement with the Microbiology Society (MBS) which is in effect from Janurary 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027 and covers open access publishing by Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors in all MBS Gold and Hybrid journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY). Under the agreement, the article processing charges will be covered centrally by the Max Planck Digital Library. The agreement also covers access to the entire archive of Society content, back to 1947. This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with the MBS:

    • The article has been accepted by a fully open access or hybrid MBS journal between January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2027.
    • A Max Planck affiliated author must be the corresponding author of the article and must publish under this affiliation – the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the published article.
    • All article types are eligible, except letters, personal views, editorials.
    • Be advised that MBS uses the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) and OA Switchboard for their workflow.

    Charges for color option apply to print only and are NOT covered by this agreement.

    The list of all MBS journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    MBS publish and read

    MBS eligibility information


  • Open Access monographs Agreement with Cambridge University Press

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    Authors affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute receive a 30% discount on the current standard Book Publishing Charge (BPC). Above a limit of 120.000 words and 85 figures additional fees are due for Cambridge monographs. The 30% discount will be applied to the total amount including charges for additional words and figures. MPDL covers half of the discounted total amount. The remaining half of the discounted amount has to be paid by the author or his/her MPI.

    In order to make use of the agreement, the following conditions must be met:

    • Authors must be affiliated with an eligible Max Planck Institute and this affiliation must be stated in the published book.
    • Eligible product types under this agreement are Cambridge monographs and Cambridge Elements
    • Eiligible author's signing date of the author agreement must be between May 1, 2021 and December 31, 2025.
    • CC-BY-NC license is the default.



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Read and Publish Agreement with SPIE

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has established a new Read and Publish agreement with SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics) which covers open access publishing of all articles submitted by Max Planck affiliated primary and corresponding authors in all SPIE Gold and Hybrid journals (except Proceedings) under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). Under the agreement, the article processing charges will be paid for centrally by the Max Planck Digital Library. The agreement also covers access to the complete portfolio of the SPIE Digital Library. This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    To publish open access without having to pay Article Publication Charges (APCs), the following criteria must be met:

    • A Max Planck author must be the primary or corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation - the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article.
    • The article is submitted between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2026.
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    When submitting, a Max Planck email address should be used (if possible) and the Max Planck affiliation should be stated. During the production process, SPIE and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.



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    Further information

    All SPIE Journals

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with Nature 2025-2028

    Information for Max Planck authors

    MPG administrates and participates in the Nature Read & Publish Framework Agreement and centrally covers the Open Access fees for Research Articles in the Nature Research Journals for all Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors. The Nature Review Journals and the Nature Protocols journal are excluded from the Open Access publishing component but are included in the read access, which covers the complete Nature journal portfolio.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with Nature:

    • The article is approved by MPDL on or after January 1, 2025 in a Nature Research Journal.
    • To be eligible, the author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author must be affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and must publish under this affiliation – the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the published article.
    • Eligible Research Article types are Analysis, Article, Letter, Brief Communication, Registered Report, Resource, Technical Report.

    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    The list of all Nature journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with the Royal Society

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has established a new open access agreement with the Royal Society which covers open access publishing of all articles submitted by corresponding Max Planck authors in all Royal Society Gold and Hybrid journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). Under the agreement, the article processing charges will be paid for centrally by the Max Planck Digital Library. This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    To publish open access without having to pay Article Publication Charges (APCs), the following criteria must be met:

    • A Max Planck author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation - the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article.
    • The article is submitted between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2026.
    • All article types are eligible except letters to the editor, corrections, retractions
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement

    When submitting, a Max Planck email address should be used (if possible) and the Max Planck affiliation should be stated. During the production process, the Royal Society and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.

    The list of all The Royal Society journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with The Company of Biologists 2024-2026

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has an open access agreement with The Company of Biologists which covers open access publishing of all accepted articles by corresponding Max Planck authors in all 5 CoB Gold and Hybrid journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). Under the agreement, the article processing charges will be paid for centrally by the Max Planck Digital Library. The agreement also includes access to all CoB content. This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    To publish open access without having to pay Article Publication Charges (APCs), the following criteria must be met:

    • The acceptance date of the article must be between Jan. 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2026.
    • The article type must be original research article, review articles are not eligible.
    • The author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author must publish under the Max Planck affiliation which must also be stated in the published article.

    Please note that charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters, etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    Please be advised that The Company of Biologists uses the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) for their workflow, and make sure to use your Max Planck email address at submission and during all stages of production if possible, as the publisher will mainly identify eligibility via email domains. During the production process, The Company of Biologists and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.

    The list of all The Company of Biologists journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Rockefeller University Press Open Access Agreement

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    MPDL established an agreement with Rockefeller University Press (RUP) which allows authors to publish open access in 3 RUP titles under a free Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). The hybrid open access agreement with Max Planck Society centrally covers the open access publication charge for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors, meaning that authors or institutes will not be invoiced.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following general conditions when publishing with RUP:

    • A Max Planck author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation - the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article.
    • The article matches one of these types: Article, Report, Tools.
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement

    Please make sure to use your Max Planck email address if possible and state your Max Planck affiliation at submission and during all stages of production to enable identification for eligibility under the agreement. During the production process, RUP and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Portland Press Open Access Agreement

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    MPDL established an agreement with Portland Press which allows authors to publish open access in all Portland Press/Biochemical Society journals under a free Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). The open access agreement with Max Planck Society centrally covers the open access publication charge for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors, meaning that authors or institutes will not be invoiced.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following general conditions when publishing with Portland Press:

    • A Max Planck author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation - the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article.
    • The article is accepted between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2025 in a Portland Press/Biochemical Society journal.
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are waived when publishing open access.

    Please make sure to use your Max Planck email address at submission and during all stages of production if possible, as the publisher will mainly identify eligibility via email domains. During the production process, Portland Press and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.

    The list of all Portland Press journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Mary Ann Liebert Open Access Agreement

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    MPDL established an agreement with Mary Ann Liebert which allows authors to publish open access in all currently subscribed Mary Ann Liebert titles under a free Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). The hybrid open access agreement with Max Planck Society centrally covers the open access publication charge for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors meaning that authors or institutes will not be invoiced.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following general conditions when publishing with Mary Ann Liebert:

    • A Max Planck author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation - the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article.
    • The article is submitted between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2024 in one of the included Mary Ann Liebert subscription journals. (To see if your journal is covered, visit the MPG OA Journal Finder, our searchable list of OA journals with central payment.)
    • The article matches one of these types: Original Research Article, Review Article.
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement

    Please make sure to use your Max Planck email address at submission and during all stages of production if possible, as the publisher will mainly identify eligibility via email domains. During the production process, Mary Ann Liebert and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with AIP Publishing (AIPP)

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has an open access agreement with AIP Publishing (AIPP), which covers open access publishing of all accepted articles by submitting corresponding Max Planck authors under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY); under the agreement, the relative article processing charges will be paid for centrally by the Max Planck Digital Library. The agreement also covers read access to all subscription journals available via AIPP. This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    To publish open access without having to pay Article Publication Charges (APCs), the following criteria must be met:

    • The acceptance date of the article must be between Jan. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2025.
    • The article is a peer-reviewed primary research article or review article.
    • The author must publish under the Max Planck affiliation, which must also be stated in the published article.
    • The author must be the submitting and corresponding author of the article. Please note that in order to be eligible it is not sufficient to be corresponding author in name only.
    • The author identifies himself/herself by selecting his/her Max Planck Institute during submission.
    • The submitting corresponding author executes a CC BY license.

    Please note that charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    The list of all AIPP journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Monographs Agreement with Nomos

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    In order to make use of the agreement, the following conditions must be met:

    • Authors or editors publishing a book with Nomos and receiving a print grant from their Max Planck Institute are eligible.
    • Author or editor must be affiliated with an eligible Max Planck institution.
    • Publishing date of the book is between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2026.
    • CC BY license is the default, other CC licenses are acceptable.



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with American Physical Society (APS)

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has established a new open access agreement with the American Physical Society (APS) which covers open access publishing in all APS Journals (except "Review of Modern Physics" and "Physics") by Max Planck affiliated initial corresponding authors under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). Under the agreement, the article processing charges will be covered centrally by the Max Planck Digital Library. The agreement also covers read access to the APS journal portfolio. This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    To publish open access without having to pay Article Publication Charges (APCs), the following criteria must be met:

    • The acceptance date of the article must be between Jan. 01, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2025.
    • The author must publish under the Max Planck affiliation. The respective Max Planck Institute must be stated in the published article.
    • The author must be the initial corresponding author of the article, which is the author identified as the corresponding author in the intitial instance of submission of a manuscript to one of the publisher's journals. Please note that it is not possible to obtain eligibility under the agreement through later changes in the corresponding authorship.
    • All article types accepted in the participating journals are eligible, including but not limited to: Regular Articles, Letters, Rapid Communications, Reviews, Perspectives, and Short Papers.
    • Please use your Max Planck email address and state your Max Planck affiliation during submission and in correspondence whenever possible to ensure identification as eligible under the agreement.

    Please note that charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    The list of all APS journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has established a new open access agreement with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) which covers open access publishing of all accepted articles by corresponding Max Planck authors in all ACM journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). Under the agreement, the article processing charges will be paid for centrally by the Max Planck Digital Library. The agreement also covers read access to the complete ACM Digital Library (including the entire publication portfolio and archive) with the sole exception being the ACM Book Series, which is not included. This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions and mind the following guidelines when publishing with ACM:

    • Eligible articles must be published on or after the agreement’s start date January 1, 2024 or accepted for publication prior to the termination date December 31, 2026.
    • A Max Planck affiliated author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The corresponding author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation - the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the published article.
    • Research articles, reviews, conference proceedings, and all article types for which ACM levies article processing charges (APC) are eligible under the agreement.
    • In order to be identified as eligible, please state your Max Planck affiliation and use your institutional Max Planck email address in the ACM submission system.

    Please note that charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    The list of all ACM journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    ACM Open Model

    ACM Open FAQ

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement between Projekt DEAL and Wiley

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society participates in the agreement between Projekt DEAL and Wiley and centrally covers the Open Access fees for affiliated responsible corresponding authors in all Wiley hybrid and fully Open Access journals and Hindawi journals.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with Wiley:

    • The article has been accepted for publication by a Wiley hybrid or fully open access journal.
    • The acceptance date of the article in a fully open access or hybrid journal is on or after January 1, 2024.
    • To be eligible, the author must be the responsible corresponding author of the article. Please note that in order to be eligible it is not sufficient to be corresponding author in name only.
    • The author must be affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and must publish under this affiliation – the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the published article.
    • The article matches one of these types: Primary research articles or review articles.
    • Charges for additional options (page charges, color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    The list of all Wiley journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder

    You can find detailed information about the workflows for authors in Wiley’s hybrid and fully open access journals here:

    Fully OA journal workflow

    Hybrid OA journal workflow



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    Further information

    Wiley/DEAL information page

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with Cambridge University Press

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    MPDL on behalf of the Max Planck Society has entered in an open access agreement with Cambridge University Press (CUP), which allows authors to publish open access in all CUP fully open access, research open and hybrid journals. The Open Access agreement with Max Planck Society centrally covers the open access charge for affiliated submitting corresponding authors who publish in CUP journals under a Creative Commons license. In addition, MPG members will have access to CUP’s full collection of more than 400 journals.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with CUP:

    • The article has been accepted by a fully open access, research open or hybrid CUP journal. From the perspective of the Max Planck Society a CC-BY license should be selected (as the only compatible license with EU and other funder mandates), if offered by the journal.
    • A Max Planck author must be the submitting and corresponding author of the article. Please note that in order to be eligible it is not sufficient to be corresponding author in name only. Please observe that CUP uses the Copyright Clearance Center/RightsLink (CCC) for their workflow. Authors will receive a notification from CUP to set up an account with CCC after acceptance. There the submitting corresponding author must fill in their Max Planck Institute.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation – the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article
    • The agreement is in effect from Jan. 1, 2025 to Dec. 31, 2027. Be advised that relevant for eligibility is the date the article is processed by CCC, not the submission or acceptance date.
    • The article matches one of these types: Research Article (incl. Review Article, Rapid Communication, Brief Report, Case Report). Other article types are not eligible.
    • Charges for color option apply to print only and are NOT covered by this agreement.
    • Articles that have been missed can be made open access retroactively, but only within the same calendar year and only upon request by the author.

     The list of all CUP journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Further information

    CUP information page

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society


  • Open Access Agreement with EDP Sciences

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society established a new agreement with EDP Sciences which includes access to the Astronomy & Astrophysics journal content as well as allowing authors to publish open access in the journal. The Open Access agreement with Max Planck Society centrally covers the open access charge for affiliated corresponding authors in this subscription-based hybrid journal under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with Astronomy & Astrophysics:

    • The article has been accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2026.
    • A Max Planck affiliated author must be the corresponding author of the article and must publish under this affiliation – the Max Planck affiliation must be stated in the published article
    • The article matches one of these types: Original articles, Letters

    Please note that charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters, page charges, etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    When submitting, the Max Planck affiliation should be stated. During the production process, EDP Sciences and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.



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    Further information

    EDP information page


    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society has established a new open access agreement with the American Chemical Society (ACS) which covers open access publishing of all accepted articles by submitting corresponding Max Planck authors in ACS journals that offer a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY); under the agreement, the relative article processing charges will be paid for centrally by the Max Planck Digital Library. The agreement also covers read access to the ACS “All Publications” Package and Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN). This open access agreement is part of the Max Planck Society’s strategy to enable a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals to open access.

    To publish open access without having to pay Article Publication Charges (APCs), the following criteria must be met:

    • The acceptance date of article must be between Jan. 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2026.
    • The author must publish under the Max Planck affiliation which must also be stated in the published article.
    • The author must be the submitting and corresponding author of the article. Please note that in order to be eligible it is not sufficient to be corresponding author in name only.
    • Authors must actually submit the article from their Max Planck e-mail address and be the one to communicate with ACS during the production process.

    Please note that charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement. Please be advised that ACS uses the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) for their workflow. Authors will receive a notification from ACS to set up an account with CCC after acceptance.

    The list of all ACS journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Further information

    Information for Max Planck authors on the ACS website

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement with Oxford University Press

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society’s Read & Publish Agreement with Oxford University Press (OUP) includes access to OUP’s full journal collection as well as allowing authors to publish open access. The Open Access agreement with the Max Planck Society centrally covers the open access charges for affiliated corresponding authors in OUP's hybrid subscription journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). Journals flipping to fully open access in 2024 (during contract term) will be eligible for central funding as well, such as MNRAS and MNRAS Letters. Please note that all other fully OA journals are not covered by this agreement. You can find a list of all eligible OUP journals on the MPG OA Journal Finder.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with OUP:

    • The article has been accepted by an OUP journal that offers a CC-BY license. Please observe that the agreement requires authors to select the CC-BY license, not CC-BY-NC or CC-BY-NC-ND.
    • A Max Planck author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation – the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article
    • The acceptance date of the article is between Jan. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2025.
    • The article matches one of these types: Primary research article or review article (please be aware that this does not include Book Reviews).
    • Charges for additional options (page charges, color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    When submitting, a Max Planck email address should be used if possible. Once your article is accepted, OUP will send a link to its online licensing and payment system, Author Services. There, authors will be asked to state their affiliation in the auto-select pick list. During the production process, OUP and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.



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    Further information

    Information for Max Planck authors at OUP

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Publishing with Taylor & Francis

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society’s Read & Publish Agreement with Taylor & Francis includes access to more than 2000 Taylor & Francis journals as well as allowing authors to publish open access in about 2000 Taylor & Francis hybrid or fully Open Access journals offering a CC license option. In order to find out about the specific license types offered, please use the publisher's Open Access cost finder. Please note that publishing in Future Science Group journals is not covered by this agreement.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with Taylor & Francis:

    • The article has been accepted by a Taylor & Francis hybrid or fully Open Access journal offering a CC license option. The Max Planck Society highly recommends authors to select the CC-BY license; in cases where a CC-BY license is not offered by the journal, another CC license is acceptable.
    • A Max Planck author must be the submitting corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with an eligibile Max Planck institution and publishes under this affiliation.
    • The acceptance date of the article is between Jan 1, 2024 and Dec 31, 2026.
    • Eligible article types under this agreement are original research articles, such as the article types: article, review, research article, review article, report, brief report, short communication, case report, essay, discussion, note.

    Please note that charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    When submitting, a Max Planck email address should be used (if possible) and the Max Planck affiliation should be stated. During the production process, Taylor & Francis and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.

    The list of all Taylor & Francis journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder



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    Further information

    Information for Max Planck authors at Taylor & Francis

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • RSC Read & Publish Agreement

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    The Max Planck Society established a new agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry ("RSC Read & Publish") which includes access to all RSC journals content as well as allowing authors to publish open access in the entire journal portfolio. The Open Access agreement with Max Planck Society centrally covers the open access charge for affiliated corresponding authors in all journals, under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with RSC:

    • The article has been accepted by an RSC journal that offers a CC-BY license.
    • A Max Planck author must be the corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation.
    • The acceptance date of the article is between Jan 1, 2023 and Dec 31, 2024.
    • The article matches one of these types: Communication, Paper, Review-type article.
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.
    • Articles accepted for publication in fully OA journals after January 31, 2023 are centrally covered as well.

    When submitting, a Max Planck email address should be used (if possible) and the Max Planck affiliation should be stated. During the production process, RSC and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.



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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • IOP Open Access Agreement 2022-2024

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    MPDL established a new transformative open access agreement with Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) which allows authors to publish open access in all IOP fully open access journals and 56 included hybrid journals under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). The agreement also includes access to IOP's full journal portfolio. Under this agreement, the Max Planck Society centrally covers the open access publication charge for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors, meaning that authors or institutes will not be invoiced.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following general conditions when publishing with IOP:

    • A Max Planck author must be the submitting corresponding author of the article.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation - the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article.
    • The article is accepted in one of IOP’s fully OA journals or one of the included hybrid journals between Jan 1, 2022 and Dec 31, 2024. To check if your journal is included, visit the MPG OA Journal Finder, our searchable list of OA journals with central payment.
    • The article matches one of these types: article, special issue article, review, letter.
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, page charges, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    When submitting, a Max Planck email address should be used (if possible) and the Max Planck affiliation should be stated. During the production process, IOP and Max Planck Digital Library will verify author eligibility.



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    Further information

    IOP information page for Max Planck authors

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society

  • Open Access Agreement between Projekt DEAL and Springer Nature

    Information for Max Planck authors

    The Max Planck Society participates in the agreement between Projekt DEAL and Springer Nature and centrally covers the Open Access fees for affiliated corresponding authors in ca. 2.900 Springer Nature hybrid and fully Open Access journals (incl. Scientific Reports and Nature Communications). Nature journals, magazines (e.g. Scientific American, Spektrum der Wissenschaft) and technical journals (e.g. ATZ, MTZ) are not included in the DEAL agreement, but the Nature Research journals are covered separately under the Nature Read and Publish Agreement.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with Springer Nature:

    • The article has been accepted for publication by a Springer Nature hybrid or fully open access journal.
    • The acceptance date of the article is on or after January 1, 2024 for hybrid journals and for fully open access journals.
    • To be eligible, the author must be the corresponding author of the article. Please note that in order to be eligible it is not sufficient to be corresponding author in name only, but the author must act as main contact for Springer Nature after editorial acceptance.
    • The author must be affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and must publish under this affiliation – the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the published article.
    • The article matches one of these types:

      - In the case of hybrid journals: OriginalPaper, ReviewPaper, BriefCommunication, EditorialNotes, BookReviews, Letters, Reports. Please note that in certain medical specialist journals (so-called "Facharztzeitschriften", see column I in the journal title list) only unsolicited (not requested) research articles (OriginalPaper, ReviewPaper, BriefCommunication) are eligible.

      - In the case of fully open access journals: OriginalPaper, ReviewPaper, BriefCommunication.
    • Charges for additional options (color-in-print, posters etc.) are NOT covered by this agreement.

    The list of all Springer Nature journals in which you can publish your article OA at no cost to you is available on the MPG OA Journal Finder


    You can find further information for authors on Springer Nature’s information page on the DEAL agreement here:

    English / German

    and on the DEAL FAQ for authors:

    English / German


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    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library

    Open Access at the Max Planck Society



  • General Access Conditions and Terms of Use of Electronic Resources

    Generally, the contracts allow electronic access to information to staff members, guest scientists, Ph. D. students and postdocs affiliated to a Max-Planck institution.

    In general the main conditions are:

    • The access is allowed for scientific and personal purposes only. Any usage for commercial purposes is prohibited
    • Users are requested to respect the rules of scientific citing
    • Only single articles may be downloaded. To make copies only for personal or scientific purposes is permitted
    • Generally users are not allowed to send electronic copies (PDFs) to recipients outside the Max-Planck Society
    • In those cases where a password is used, this must be kept confidential and must not be disclosed to third parties.
    • Any systematic downloading of articles or search results, in particular by robots, is prohibited; this also applies to systematic downloads via reference management software (i.e. EndNote)
    • All publishers reserve the right to disable access in cases of reasonable suspicion for abuse. Similarly, any breach of copyright can entail the same consequences. Technically this means that a campus if not the whole Max Planck Society may be switched off from access to the respective publisher's server.
    • Users are recommended to read the Conditions of use for publishers of resources relevant to them.

    German version: MPDL Librarian Center

    Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Open Access for Libraries


    Allgemeine Informationen

    Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft unterstützt seit über zehn Jahren Initiativen zu "Open Access" und nimmt gleichzeitig als Begründerin der Berliner Erklärung und der sogenannten Berlin-Konferenzen eine Vorreiterrolle ein. Gut zwölf Prozent aller Max-Planck-Originalpublikationen sind mittlerweile im Open Access verfügbar. Diese Entwicklung soll weiterhin bestärkt und befördert werden, denn die unmittelbare, allgemeine und freie Zugänglichkeit des gesamten wissenschaftlichen Wissens ist erklärtes Ziel der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

    Die MPDL unterstützt Open Access zum einen durch die Bereitstellung des Repositoriums "MPG.PuRe", das für die Veröffentlichung von Forschungsarbeiten als Original- oder Zweitveröffentlichung aus der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft von allen Instituten und Mitarbeitern genutzt werden kann. Des Weiteren werden im Bereich Information/Grundversorgung seit 2003 Rahmenverträge abgeschlossen, die eine zentrale kostenübernahme für Open-Access-Publikationskosten für MPG-Autoren regeln. Eine Übersicht über diese Verträge finden Sie unter "Open Access Publishing".

    Weitere Informationen



    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Open Access & License Management Phone +49 (0) 89 909311 253


    Open Access Publishing


    Open Access Archiving

    Repositorium der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft MPG.PuRe

    Open Access "Green" Konditionen


  • Authentifizierung und Registrierung


    MPDL Campus & Travel Magic

    Den Wissenschaftlern in der MPG soll der Zugang zu den benötigten wissenschaftlichen Informationsressourcen so leicht wie möglich gemacht werden. Hierbei unterstützt die MPDL die Institute. Innerhalb des Institutscampus wird der Zugriff meist über IP-Kontrolle ermöglicht. Doch auch für Zugriffe von unterwegs bietet die MPDL Lösungen an.

    Weiterführende Informationen zu MPDL Access Magic


    Zugang zu CAS SciFinder

    Für Datenbanken CAS/Scifinder und STN ist eine persönliche Anmeldung erforderlich:

    Anmeldeseiten für CAS/SciFinder und STN


    Registrierung für die Nutzung von iThenticate Plagiatserkennungs-Software

  • Zugangssysteme

    Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft hat das Ziel, jedem Mitarbeiter die für ihre/seine Arbeit notwendigen Informationsquellen in möglichst leicht zugänglicher Form zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die MPDL entwickelt und betreut Systeme und Werkzeuge, die in diese instituts-spezifischen Zugänge eingebunden werden können und Hintergrund-Funktionalitäten zur Verfügung stellen. Für Fragen zu den genannten Systemen stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung.

    Kontakt: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Innerhalb der MPG kommen viele verschiedene Bibliothekssysteme zum Einsatz. Häufiger verwendet sind Aleph, PICA (Voraussetzung für die Verbundteilnahme beim GBV), KOHA, Allegro und Libero. Daneben gibt es weitere andere Systeme - auch selbstentwickelte Lösungen.

    Citation Linker

    Der Citation Linker erlaubt die direkte Suche einzelner Artikel, Zeitschriften oder Bücher und liefert die entsprechenden Links zu den Volltexten oder anderen relevanten Ressourcen. Erforderlich sind die Eingabe möglichst aller bekannten Informationen und ein Klick auf den MPG/SFX Button.

    Citation Linker

    Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, EZB

    Die Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek verzeichnet mehr als 37.000 elektronische Zeitschriften und die zugehörigen Lizenzinformationen aus etwa 550 Bibliotheken und Bibliothekskonsortien. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nehmen 65 MPI-Bibliotheken an der EZB teil und machen das Angebot damit zu einem wichtiger Baustein in der MPG-Informationsarchitektur. Die EZB dient den Wissenschaftlern und Bibliothekaren der MPG als Einstiegspunkt zum elektronischen Zeitschriftenangebot.

    Weiterführende Informationen zur EZB

    MPG Bibliothekskataloge

    Eine Übersicht über alle in der MPG betriebenen Bibliothekskataloge findet sich in MPG.ReNa. Die meisten der Systeme sind in die gemeinsame MPG-Katalogsuche eingebunden.


    Im E-Books-Index der MPG sind mehr als eine 600.000 wissenschaftliche E-Books mit Volltextzugriff nachgewiesen. Der Bestand wird kontinuierlich erweitert.



    Der MPG Resource Navigator (ReNa) listet und beschreibt alle E-Journal-Pakete, E-Book-Kollektionen und Datenbanken, die den MPG Wissenschaftlern zur Verfügung stehen.



    Der MPG/SFX-Server ist ein Link-Resolver. Dessen Startpunkte werden auf Referenzen in den Quelldokumenten (Trefferlisten in bibliographischen Datenbanken, Referenzlisten von wissenschaftlichen Artikeln, ...) gesetzt. Von dort ermöglicht es SFX, weiterführende Dienste auszuwählen (z.B. Weiterleitung zum elektronischen Volltext, Bestandsnachweise, Bestelloptionen, weitere Recherche-Möglichkeiten).

    MPG/SFX Demo

  • Erwerbung

    Die Erwerbung ist ein zentrales Feld der Zusammenarbeit zwischen MPDL und Institutsbibliotheken. Um die Bedarfe der Institute zu ermitteln, zu bündeln und zu unterstützen, werden verschiedene Instrumente und Prozesse eingesetzt. Dahinter steht eine seit vielen Jahren eingespielte Praxis, die kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt wird. 



    Zur Definition und Austarierung unseres Angebotsportfolios von Zeitschriften oder elektronischen Büchern eines Verlages gehört die Ermittlung, Aggregierung und Gewichtung der Bedarfe an den Max-Planck-Instituten. Wann immer ein Anlass vorliegt, wird eine entsprechende Bedarfserhebung vorbereitet und durchgeführt. Dazu werden aufbereitete Titellisten sowie ggf. die dazugehörigen Bestandsdaten und Nutzungszahlen auf Institutsebene zur Verfügung gestellt und jedes Max-Planck-Institut erhält die Möglichkeit, Titel des eigenen Bedarfs zu identifizieren und mit einer Wertekategorie zu versehen.

    Aktuell stehen keine Bedarfserhebungen an. Sobald wieder eine Bedarfserhebung durchgeführt wird, findet sich der Einstieg zu diesem Service an dieser Stelle.



    Ein wichtiges Instrument ist die Meldung und Bewertung von Beschaffungsvorschlägen durch die Institutsbiliotheken. Mit der Wunschliste der MPG-Bibliotheken (Login erforderlich) betreibt die MPDL ein für alle Institute einsehbares Datenbanksystem, in dem die Vorschläge, Beurteilungen und zugehörigen Entscheidungsprozesse transparent dokumentiert sind.

    Die Plattform ist nur für registrierte Institutsaccounts zugänglich. Interessierte Institute ohne Login bitten wir um eine eMail an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


    E-Book Einzeltitelerwerb

    Die MPG hat mit verschiedenen Anbietern Rahmenverträge zum lokalen Einzeltitelerwerb von E-Books geschlossen. Informationen zu den jeweiligen E-Book-Bestellverfahren, ein entsprechendes Bestellformular sowie weitere Dokumente (z.B. Checkliste für Vertragsabschlüsse) finden Sie auf unseren Serviceseiten (MPG intern).



    Über die MPDL können benötigte DIN-, ISO- und VDI-Normen erworben werden. Im Gegensatz zum E-Book-Einzeltitelerwerb werden die Kosten für diese Dokumente zentral übernommen. Nach Erwerb werden die Normen in den Zugangssystemen nachgewiesen und für MPG-weiten Zugriff bereitgestellt. Bitte benutzen Sie für die Bestellung das entsprechende Formular auf den Serviceseiten (MPG intern).



    Einige Lizenzverträge der Grundversorgung beinhalten DDP-Konditionen (deep discount price), die Einrichtungen der MPG e.V. den rabattierten Bezug von gedruckten Zeitschriften ermöglichen. Wir haben diese Sonderkonditionen als Excel-Liste für Sie zusammengestellt.


    National- und Allianzlizenzen

    Für die nationallizenzierten bzw. deutschlandweit ohne Kosten zugänglichen Ressourcen (s. Übersicht) übernimmt die MPDL die Registrierung als zentralen Service für die gesamte MPG.

    Bei den Allianzlizenzen prüft das Lizenzteam der MPDL zunächst, ob das Produkt für eine MPG-weite Lizenzierung in Frage kommt und gibt die Information anschließend an die MPG-Bibliotheken weiter. Falls kein zentraler Vertrag geplant ist, können die Institute lokal an der Allianzlizenz teilnehmen. Dazu wird im Nationallizenz-Portal ein zusätzlicher Institutsaccount erstellt ("Dummy-Account").

    Die Liste der DFG-geförderten Ressourcen kann über den Funding-Filter in MPG.ReNa eingesehen werden.

    Bei Problemen oder Rückfragen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte mit einer eMail an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  • Ressourcen


    Lizenzierte Produkte

    Informationen über Zugriff, Inhalt und Lizenzzeitrüume von kostenpflichtigen Ressourcen, die derzeit im Rahmen der Grundversorgung verfügbar sind, erhalten Sie über den Resource Navigator (MPG.ReNa).  




    Verlinkungen zu anbieterspezifischen Titellisten finden Sie im jeweiligen Datensatz in MPG.ReNa (MPG Resource Navigator), z.B. Elsevier (Links im Bereich "Content Included").




    Allgemeine Informationen zu Nutzungsbedingungen

    Der elektronische Zugang zu den Informationsangeboten der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ist allen Angestellten der MPG e.V. sowie Gastwissenschaftlern, Doktoranden und Postdoktoranden, die einer Max-Planck-Einrichtung angehören, gestattet. Zu den wichtigsten allgemeinen Bedingungen gehören:

    • der Zugang ist nur für wissenschaftliche und persönliche Zwecke erlaubt
    • der Gebrauch für kommerzielle Zwecke untersagt
    • die Regeln wissenschaftlichen Zitierens müssen beachtet werden
    • das Herunterladen einzelner Artikel sowie Kopien für den persönlichen Gebrauch und zu Forschungszwecken sind gestattet
    • Elektronische Kopien (PDFs) dürfen im Allgemeinen nicht an Kollegen außerhalb der MPG geschickt werden
    • falls für den Zugang zu einer Ressource zusätzlich ein Passwort vergeben wurde, darf dieses nicht an Dritte weitergegeben werden
    • systematischer Download von Artikeln oder Suchresultaten, insbesondere durch Robots, ist untersagt; dies trifft auch auf systematische Downloads durch Literaturverwaltungsprogramme (z.B. EndNote) zu
    • Alle Verlage behalten sich vor, den Zugang zu sperren, wenn begründeter Verdacht eines Missbrauchs oder eine Verletzung des Urheberrechts vorliegt. In solchen Fällen kann dem betreffenden IP-Bereich (Institut oder Institutsverband), oder auch der gesamten MPG der Zugang zum Verlagsserver gesperrt werden.
    • Nutzer werden gebeten, die Nutzungsbedingungen der für sie relevanten Verlage und Datenbankanbieter zu lesen.

    Weiterführende Informationen:

    Kontakt: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




    In der Outbox stellt die MPDL den Max-Planck-Instituten Nutzungsstatistiken verschiedener Anbieter zur Verfügung. Ein Benutzerkonto ermöglicht den Zugriff und Download institutseigener Dateien. Interessierte Bibliotheken können sich via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. für ein Nutzerkonto registrieren und erhalten dann eine automatisch generierte Nachricht mit den Zugangsdaten.


  • Grundversorgung, Akteure


    Im Jahr 1999 ist auf Beschluss der drei Sektionen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft unter dem Namen "Grundversorgung" ein Konzept und ein Etat zur MPG-weiten Lizenzie­rung elektronischer Ressourcen verabschiedet worden. Seither ist die Grundversor­gung das zentrale Programm der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur institutsübergreifenden Lizenzierung elektronischer Ressourcen.

    Für die Grundversorgung werden jene Ressourcen ausgewählt, für die die Bündelung auf zentraler Ebene vorteilhafter erscheint als eine lokale Versorgung durch einzelne Instituts-Bibliotheken. Dies gilt auch für die zentrale Teilnahme an Allianz- und Nationallizenzen. Dabei fließen verschiedene Faktoren in den Entscheidungsprozess mit ein: Breite und Dringlichkeit des Bedarfs, Geschäftsmodell und Kosten-Struktur von Angeboten, aber auch Möglichkeiten der Erschließung, Vernetzung und Archivierung.

    Neben der Lizensierung ist das Informationsmanagement und die Bereitstellung von zentralen und lokalen Zuganssystemen von zentraler Bedeutung für die Informationsversorgung. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie im Bereich "Zugangssysteme". 


    Grundversorgung und Informationsmanagement werden hauptsächlich im Bereich "Information" der MPDL organisiert.

    Bereichsleiter: Adam Der

    Fragen zu Lizenzen und Produkten bitte an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Ein weiterer Akteur im Grundversorgungsprozess sind die Bibliotheken an den Max-Planck-Instituten. Mehr dazu im Positionspapierzur Verteilung von Rolle und Verantwortung im Rahmen der Grundversorgung.

  • Kommunikation

    Für die optimale Zusammenarbeit zwischen den über 70 Bibliotheken der einzelnen Max-Planck-Institute und der MPDL ist ein ständiger Informationsaustausch wichtig. Für diesen Zweck stehen diverse thematische Mailinglisten zur Verfügung.
    Eine Übersicht der MPG-Bibliotheken und Mailinglisten finden Sie unter https://info-bib.mpg.de/.

  • Open Access Agreement with Sage

    Information for Max Planck Authors

    Max Planck authors can publish open access in about 1,100 SAGE journals. The Open Access agreement for Max Planck Society centrally covers the OA charges for affiliated corresponding authors in all Gold Open Access journals or in hybrid titles in the SAGE Premier package. In addition, MPG members will have access to the SAGE Premier collection of subscription journals.

    In order to make use of the agreement, please make sure to meet the following conditions when publishing with SAGE:

    • The article has been accepted by a participating SAGE Gold Open Access journal or a journal in the 2024 SAGE Premier package, that offers the SAGE Choice option. (To see if your journal is covered, visit the MPG OA Journal Finder, our searchable list of OA journals with central payment.)
    • The Max Planck Society recommends authors to select the CC-BY license; in cases where a CC-BY license is not offered by the journal, another CC license is acceptable.
    • A Max Planck author must be the corresponding author of the article and submit the article using their Max Planck email address. Please note that in order to be eligible it is not sufficient to be corresponding author in name only.
    • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation – the Max Planck Institute must be stated in the article.
    • The agreement is in effect until Dec. 31, 2025. Be advised that relevant for eligibility is the date the article enters SAGE's production system, not the submission or acceptance date.
    • The article matches one of these types: Original Research Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication, Short Report, Case Report or similar (not included article types: errata, book review, editorial, published abstract, call for papers, news items or similar).
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    Further information

    Open Access Support by Max Planck Digital Library