EZB Readme
The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) manages an inventory of electronic journals available to all Max Planck users by using the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). It includes Open Access journals as well as journals that are available due to MPG-wide subscriptions, consortia agreements or national licenses.
The use of electronic resources is subject to terms and conditions set forth in the subscription agreements. For an introduction, please consider the overview of general Access Conditions and Terms of Use prepared by the MPDL.
Service for Max Planck Institute Libraries
Max Planck Institute Libraries may use a localized variant of the EZB Readme URL (containing their institute ID) in EZB admin to include local holdings maintained in their EZB instance.
Please make sure to have your local packages represented in MPG.ReNa to make EZB Readme URLs point to appropriate content.
Provider/Product-specific Usage Conditions
To access provider/product-specific usage conditions, please select any entries of the list below, and follow the links "Usage Conditions" in the MPG.ReNa records found.
Please feel free to contact us if you have problems identifying the relevant product or in case of any further question.
List of anchor targets
- acm (acm)
- American Chemical Society (acs)
- American Chemical Society (DFG License) (natli_acs)
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (DFG License) (natli_aiaa)
- American Institute of Physics (aip)
- American Institute of Physics Archive (DFG License) (natli_aip_archive)
- American Physical Society (aps)
- American Physical Society Archive (DFG License) (natli_aps)
- American Physiological Society (DFG License) (natli_japs)
- American Psychiatric Publishing (DFG License) (natli_psych)
- American Psychological Association (apa)
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (DFG License) (natli_jco)
- Annual Reviews (anrev)
- Annual Reviews Archive (DFG License) (natli_annualreviews_complete)
- Beck Online (beck)
- Bentham (bentham)
- Berkeley Electronic Press (DFG License) (natli_berkeley)
- BioOne (bioone)
- BioOne (DFG License) (natli_bioone)
- Blackwell (DFG License) (natli_blackwell)
- BMJ Archive (DFG License) (natli_bmj_archive)
- Brill (DFG License) (natli_brill)
- Brill Primary Sources for Slavic Studies (DFG License) (natli_pso)
- British Periodicals Collection (DFG License) (natli_bpc)
- Cambridge University Press (cambridge)
- Cambridge University Press Archive (DFG License) (natli_cup)
- China Academic Journals (DFG License) (natli_caj_complete_eng)
- CIAO (DFG License) (natli_ciao)
- Company of Biologists (biologists)
- Crystallography Journals Online (natli_iucrpl)
- de Gruyter (deGruyter)
- de Gruyter Archive (DFG License) (natli_degruyter_archive)
- de Gruyter LEO (DFG License) (natli_leo)
- deal_elsevier_arch (deal_elsevier_arch)
- deal_elsevier_core (deal_elsevier_core)
- deal_elsevier_cptl (deal_elsevier_cptl)
- deal_elsevier_frc (deal_elsevier_frc)
- deal_wiley (deal_wiley)
- Digizeitschriften (digizeitschrift)
- EastView Izvestija (DFG License) (natli_izvestija)
- EastView Literaturnaja gazeta (DFG License) (natli_literaturnaja)
- EastView Pravda (DFG License) (natli_pravda)
- EastView UDB-EDU (DFG License) (natli_udb)
- EastView Vestnik Evropy (DFG License) (natli_ve)
- EastView Voprosy Istorii (DFG License) (natli_vicc)
- Ebsco Academic Search Premier (ebsco_aph)
- Ebsco American Antiquarian Society Collection 1 (DFG License) (natli_aas1)
- Ebsco American Antiquarian Society Collection 2 (DFG License) (natli_aas2)
- Ebsco American Antiquarian Society Collection 3 (DFG License) (natli_aas3)
- Ebsco American Antiquarian Society Collection 4 (DFG License) (natli_aas4)
- Ebsco American Antiquarian Society Collection 5 (DFG License) (natli_aas5)
- Ebsco Business Source Premier (ebsco_buh)
- Ebsco EconLit (ebsco_eoh)
- Ebsco Humanities International Complete (ebsco_hlh)
- Ebsco Nation Archive (DFG License) (natli_nation)
- Ebsco New Republic Archive (DFG License) (natli_nra)
- Ebsco SocIndex (ebsco_sih)
- Economist (DFG License) (natli_economist)
- Economist Intelligence Unit (DFG License) (natli_eiu)
- Editoria Italiana Online (DFG License) (natli_eio)
- EDP Sciences (edp)
- EDP Sciences Astronomy & Astrophysics (edpaa)
- Education Week (FID License) (fid_ew)
- Eighteenth Century Journals (DFG License) (natli_18thcjournals)
- Elsevier (elsevier_par)
- Elsevier (elsevier)
- Elsevier Archive (DFG License) (natli_elsevier)
- elsevier_bf (elsevier_bf)
- Emerald (EBMEA)
- Emerald (DFG License) (natli_emerald)
- European Mathematical Society (DFG License) (natli_ems_complete)
- fid_ctal (fid_ctal)
- Financial Times Archive (DFG License) (natli_fta)
- fopinions (fopinions)
- Future Science Group (FSG)
- GeoScienceWorld (GeoScienceWorld)
- Gerritsen Collection (DFG License) (natli_gerritsen)
- Hein Online (hein)
- heise (heise)
- Industry and higher education (FID License) (fid_ihe)
- Informa Healthcare (DFG License) (natli_ihc)
- Institute of Physics (iop)
- Institute of Physics Archive (DFG License) (natli_iop_archive)
- International journal of mobile and blended learning (FID License) (fid_jmbl)
- International Union of Crystallography (DFG License) (natli_iucr)
- IOS Press (ios)
- JoVE (jove)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences I Archive Collection (jstor_arts1)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Archive Collection (jstor_arts2)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences III Archive Collection (jstor_arts3)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences IV Archive Collection (jstor_arts4)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences IX Archive Collection (jstor_arts9)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences V Archive Collection (jstor_arts5)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences VI Archive Collection (jstor_arts6)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences VII Archive Collection (jstor_artsC)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences VIII Archive Collection (jstor_arts8)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences X Archive Collection (jstor_arts10)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XI Archive Collection (jstor_arts11)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XII Archive Collection (jstor_arts12)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIII Archive Collection (jstor_arts13)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIV Archive Collection (jstor_arts14)
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XV Archive Collection (jstor_arts15)
- JSTOR Business IV Archive Collection (jstor_business4)
- JSTOR Life Sciences Archive Collection (jstor_lifesci)
- Jurion (lexis_re)
- Karger Complete (karger_complete)
- Karger Ebooks (DFG License) (natli_karger_ebooks)
- Kluwer Law (DFG License) (natli_kluwerlaw)
- Landes Bioscience (landes)
- Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (DFG License) (natli_lww)
- Making of the Modern World (DFG License) (natli_momw)
- Mary Ann Liebert (liebert)
- Mary Ann Liebert Archive (DFG License) (natli_mal)
- MiamiUni_FID (MiamiUni_FID)
- microbiology (microbiology)
- natli_asc (natli_asc)
- natli_bbmu (natli_bbmu)
- natli_cdrp (natli_cdrp)
- natli_cepr (natli_cepr)
- natli_cherno (natli_cherno)
- natli_dlnc (natli_dlnc)
- natli_elsevier_mathematics (natli_elsevier_mathematics)
- natli_gudok (natli_gudok)
- natli_karger_archive (natli_karger_archive)
- natli_kino (natli_kino)
- natli_MA_Education (natli_MA_Education)
- natli_milsec (natli_milsec)
- natli_pravda_ukrainy (natli_pravda_ukrainy)
- natli_prhe (natli_prhe)
- natli_ris (natli_ris)
- natli_rodinu (natli_rodinu)
- natli_rsc_read_publish (natli_rsc_read_publish)
- natli_slovo_kyrg (natli_slovo_kyrg)
- natli_soviet (natli_soviet)
- natli_udblib (natli_udblib)
- natli_ukrpub (natli_ukrpub)
- natli_voennaja_mysl (natli_voennaja_mysl)
- Nature (nature)
- Nature (DFG License) (natli_nature)
- nyt (nyt)
- OECD (sourceoecd)
- OLMS (olms)
- Optical Society of America (osa)
- Oxford University Press (oup)
- Oxford University Press Archive (DFG License) (natli_oup_archive)
- Periodicals Archive Online (DFG License) (natli_pao)
- Physical Society of Japan (jpsj)
- Portico (portico)
- Portland Press (portland)
- Project Euclid (euclid)
- Project MUSE (muse)
- PsyJournals Archive (DFG License) (natli_psyjournals_archive)
- Research Professional (research)
- riff_reporter (riff_reporter)
- Rockefeller University Press (rockefeller)
- Royal Society of Chemistry (rsc)
- Royal Society of Chemistry Book Archive (DFG License) (natli_rse)
- Royal Society of Chemistry Journal Archive (DFG License) (natli_rsc_archive)
- royal_soc (royal_soc)
- SAGE Archive (DFG License) (natli_sage_archive)
- SAGE Premier (sage_premier)
- SAGE Premier (sage_premier_2015u16)
- sage_premier_2017-2020 (sage_premier_2017-2020)
- sage_premier_2021 (sage_premier_2021)
- sage_premier_2022 (sage_premier_2022)
- sage_premier_2023 (sage_premier_2023)
- sage_premier_2024 (sage_premier_2024)
- sage_premier_2025 (sage_premier_2025)
- Science (science)
- Science Archive (DFG License) (natli_science)
- Society for Neuroscience (neuro)
- SPIE (spie)
- Springer Nature (springer_palgrave)
- Springer Nature (springer)
- Springer Nature Archive (DFG License) (natli_springer)
- sswj (sswj)
- tandf_sandt (tandf_sandt)
- tandf_ssh (tandf_ssh)
- Taylor & Francis (tanf)
- Taylor & Francis (taylor)
- Taylor & Francis (TF-BME)
- Taylor & Francis Archive (DFG License) (natli_tandf)
- Taylor & Francis Archive (DFG License) (tandfnl)
- Thieme Archive (DFG License) (natli_thieme)
- Times Digital Archive (DFG License) (natli_tda_archive)
- Times Literary Supplement Archive (DFG License) (natli_times)
- Trans Tech Archive (DFG License) (natli_transtech)
- Westlaw (westlaw)
- Wiley (wiley)
- Wiley (DFG License) (natli_wiley)
- Wiley Protocols (wileyprotocols)
- Wiso Fachzeitschriften Psychologie (wisopsycho)
- Wiso Fachzeitschriften Recht (wisorecht)
- Wiso Fachzeitschriften Sozialwissenschaften (wisosozial)
- Wiso Fachzeitschriften Wirtschaftswissenschaften (wisowirtschaft)
- Wiso Praxis Presse (wiso_praxis_presse)
- wolters_kluwer (wolters_kluwer)
- ZBW-InfoSci (ZBW-InfoSci)
- No matching entries